
General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby Krodro » Fri May 04, 2012 2:28 pm

Last city I built attacked 47 times by a player five times my might. Is that the way this game is played? A band of players get together and get a very large base of cities and then wipe out everyone they want to? What's the use of playing?

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Postby Destroyer75 » Fri May 04, 2012 3:01 pm

To become the man that wipes every one out

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Postby Wolerex » Fri May 04, 2012 3:08 pm

Hi krodro! Welcome to bully kingdom. Same thing happened to me despite valiant efforts to defend myself. The trick is opt for a new world, grow big as quickly as possible and be prepared so you can knock the stuffings out of anyone encroaching on ur space.

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Postby Bl1ndFury » Fri May 04, 2012 3:39 pm

This is a team game. Make friends, and work together.


Postby optimus888 » Fri May 04, 2012 3:45 pm

I can understand that frustration quite well. The best advice I can give you is to JOIN A GUILD! it makes defending a lot more easier, and people will be less likely to attack you. Goodluck out there fellow Lords!

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