Ideas -- A Thought From A PlayMesher

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Postby PwnLaw » Tue May 29, 2012 4:27 pm

Thanks Tyguy -- really excellent suggestions. I was literally just at a whiteboard talking with some folks about these precise ideas.


Postby PwnLaw » Tue May 29, 2012 4:28 pm

Jabuff wrote:I would LOVE to be able to play the SAME account on both my iPad AND my iPhone. I play mostly on my iPad, but if I had access to my account on my iPhone I would definitely play more while at work and on the go. More time on the game would surely mean more revenue for Palymesh, seems like it would be advantageous for your company. Not to mention very user friendly for the players. I play several other server based games on my iPhone and iPad and am allowed to play on the same account, so I know it is achievable. PLEASE make this an option in future updates!!!

I'm a big fan of single sign-on as well. Sadly, we've got it lower on the priority list behind moving core functions of the game forward. It's gonna happen though. Sooner or later.


Postby PwnLaw » Tue May 29, 2012 4:29 pm

Gwynbleidd wrote:i dont think u need to worry about people liking the game. the major concern is the game becoming their lives. what u've achieved here is nothing short of what warcraft created among its alternate reality. but DOTA is puppy poop compared to Valor. this coming from a long time dota fan. great job.

Huge compliment Gwynbleidd, thanks! I'll be honest, we think the game is only 70% of where it needs to be. We have so much stuff we want to do. We're a small team but we are 100% dedicated to moving this game forward.


Postby PwnLaw » Tue May 29, 2012 4:32 pm

IdesOfMach wrote:I know this forum should be for constructive criticism, but I just wanted to take a moment to highlight some of my favorite features of the game.

1) Simple, intuitive battle mechanics. A few "randomization" factors, but not so much that it makes battle outcome unpredictable. Keeps more focus on how to play the game, as opposed to "why the hell did my force just get wiped?"

2) Again on the battle mechanics, very transparent. Lets the more involved players plan, time, and account for variables without fear of something unprecedented. Gives us a bit of a leg up; a reward, of sorts, for our dedication.

3) While paying players get an advantage, everyone can see the advantage. Truce players get nice big badges on their cities, medics show up in the report, prestige shows up as well. Again, lets dedicated players know that they're up against a paying player, and what additional weapons they have at their disposal.

4) Emphasis on player-player interaction. Diplomacy really is key here. This is easily my biggest bit of praise: you guys have done an outstanding job creating a war game for the thinker, not the shooter.

All-around, despite some bugs, a remarkably well-made game. The only game I've been able to get truly addicted to. Thank you guys.

Thanks so much for the compliment IdesOfMach. This hits on a few things that I really hold dear about Valor. We're very concentrated on moving the social aspects of the game forward (hence the release of guild chat and guild requests) as well as the battle sophistication. There's so much we want to do and we really appreciate all of you coming along for the ride.

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Location: San Antonio

Postby Strahd11 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:02 am

Love the game! I see that you want "realism" in it as well. In that case there should be penalties, for leaving a guild. I'm not saying start up guilds. Established guilds! Put a time frame on it. If you've been in guild "x" for a week, a month or more and you leave something should happen. I'm not saying take away cities, I'm saying less resource production, or something along those lines. For the time you were in guild "x." Same for allies as well, just change it to weaker troops for the time frame. Of course if you had the crowns approval to leave this could be negated. Idk just a thought. If there were consequences in game than it would have more of a taste of "realism."

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Postby runatme » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:22 am

Has anyone made a world map before ? We're you can add coordinated showing allies and enemies..or better yet play mesh is there any reason you guys cant create a map for each world that's refreshed daily were you can look can select different guilds and highlight there cities.. There's a game that I've played before very similar to this called travian and they have set this up

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Harry new to game

Postby Harryw909 » Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:43 pm

Im new to this game, downloaded it yesterday randomly, i like the game a lot reminds me a little of age of empires, read someone brought up warcraft if meaning wow i agree it has potiential but one reason i stopped is because it costs money i understand that apps on iphone arent fully free to progress but this one has been so far i can do most things without needing for fork out cash, that is one reason why i like it, but got a few ideas of my own about the game so far im just getting started but would be more fun on my opinion if saw the battles, or even to small extent of taking something from age of empires one of my fav games having to make houses increase your population and have defence towers stuff like that make it more to build more to enjoy, i enjoy your game dont know ya back ground but you doing a good job just let me put at end dont sell us out and turn into other games on iphone ill gladly make a donation if need help like upcoming games :)

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Postby SanSooRonin » Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:32 am

This game rocks. I love the strategy required. As somebody else mentioned, this is a thinking man's war game. You can't/won't win just because you've got great hand-eye coordination. The social aspect is great, and it adds an element of fun and challenge to work (and attempt to coordinate) with players from the other side of the planet. You have to think and plan and work with other players in order to achieve. I've never been a truly hard core gamer, but I can't put this one down. Keep up the great work guys.

By the way, does PlayMesh keep a listing of relationship counselors/divorce attorneys on hand so we have somewhere to turn when our wives/girlfriends/etc decide we're spending too much time with the game? lol

Again, stellar work. We appreciate all of your efforts. And thanks for making such an amazing experience.

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Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:17 pm

Postby Mirackles » Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:26 pm

Again Great Game and Awesome Job guys! I would really like to see some kind of Guild Manager for this game! I really think people would eat up a Guild Crest Designer like they have in World of Warcraft! People like their own identity and Pictures say more than just a name. Of course this would require some way of seeing the guilds crest in the Game when and where it makes sense. I also think the addition of Archery/Crossbowmen would be cool with an Shooting Range in the City! Just some ideas not sure if the add anything but options and some iceing on the cake.


Postby PwnLaw » Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:25 pm

SanSooRonin wrote:This game rocks. I love the strategy required. As somebody else mentioned, this is a thinking man's war game. You can't/won't win just because you've got great hand-eye coordination. The social aspect is great, and it adds an element of fun and challenge to work (and attempt to coordinate) with players from the other side of the planet. You have to think and plan and work with other players in order to achieve. I've never been a truly hard core gamer, but I can't put this one down. Keep up the great work guys.

By the way, does PlayMesh keep a listing of relationship counselors/divorce attorneys on hand so we have somewhere to turn when our wives/girlfriends/etc decide we're spending too much time with the game? lol

Again, stellar work. We appreciate all of your efforts. And thanks for making such an amazing experience.

Thanks friend. I appreciate the kind words. Just remember: the couple that games together STAYS together. :D

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