I see they have just fixed the chaos exploit and I thank you guys a great deal for listening to us however since I am in the business of wanting to help improve the game I point out a flaw that needs to be fixed and this is not just my opinion this is my entire guilds only being able to send 15 attacks to a single city is rather ludicrous wouldn't you say? When you get into the later game when people can send 100000 k more troops to support a city at the most 14 clearing waves will not wipe out those forces. I would suggest bumping this number up to 25 or 30 at least this way people will still not want to provide "chaos" and crash the servers because u would still need at least 7-8 people to do this but will be able to send a sufficient number of attacks to clear a city
Again I appreciate the listening skills of playmesh and their willingness to make this game better... We all do thank you
Fix chaos exploit
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