Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

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Chaos related

Postby Anitapoop » Wed May 30, 2012 9:02 pm

Wow. I first off want to say getting rid of chaos is fine. But I feel it should be started off in new worlds or as an available option to appease those who use it as a tactic. I understand some like it and some hate it. With that being said I have yet to recieve a chaos but use it to support players on the edge I can't reach in time as a crown. Not being able to have a coalition send or support each other makes a giant free for all. So why join a guild in the first place. They will simply get in the way because you can no longer support a long distance bombing with chaos until your support can get to the target.

So now personally I'm stuck in the middle of my allies, and have no where to go. Can not really get to the edge without some form of support from in active guild mates who will cause a stink if I take them so... What to do but sit an wait while others grow near the enemy. I know I play more than most in my guild which is number 1 in world 57. But the in game chat is still useless. Not being able to mass spam mail to other sister guilds and or allies is a huge disadvantage we have to use a third party service for.

With all the being said how can I possibly be killed having a big close cluster, in comparison to those living in far out regions with out all the players building up small cities, simply because they joined the world a day late. Where the region is sp**** and will become easy targets when the big middle players do eventually move out. Just seems like unfair placement because those that start in like say r22 will have huge advatages if they survive.

Meanwhile my sister guilds suffer because they no longer have my protection 2 regions away, making them useless, but again my close guild
Mates are now seemingly my new enemy because I can't get anywhere else. So I have to choose to stall my growth or get help from those who are in different time zones, away for a week, or simply inactive. But like I said before killin off guild mates makes others nervous and scared. So no matter what you do you'll be stuck facing your own guild way early.

Besides like another few have mentioned there are bigger exploits than chaos.. Maybe those should be addressed first. Like the fact a few of my cities have 12 research because of all the bugs with cities not updating properly as you scroll through the forge. Seriously. Or when you attack with enough attacks you occasioanlly get 2 armies back. Or there's my favourite the fact that since the cities don't update correctly at a point around 30 cities, I can have all my attacks or support hit later if I choose not to log in and touch those cities. Just saying, before chaos gets reworked which I hope it does, I feel it a should be available in later worlds that wish to not have it and not mess with current worlds. I also feel that other things are more critical to game play, than fixing this. And when it does change there will simply be another exploit. And this is one I can live with.

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Postby Lourenceofchico » Wed May 30, 2012 9:09 pm

I think I good idea would be to allow some balance by allowing support between allies. At least between sister guilds. It has always seemed wrong to me that you could not support someone I consider in my guild if they are a sister. Interesting that you used to allow it, then took it away. Why is this? To me a big addictive part of the game is the building of strong relationships with your guild. It's the team that makes this game so fun to play. To rally to each others aid. Please consider balancing out the big hit to our defensive game by taking chaos out of the picture ( personally I think it's a good thing way too many people depend on chaos and use it way too much), by letting us support those we consider to be on our team. Allies too would possibly be strengthened by this addition.

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Postby Kingjason666 » Wed May 30, 2012 9:10 pm

Its very clear we all are either pi ssed off or confused. Can you please explain in full detail the exact changes you will be making to chaos. I don't care about chaos I used it a lot in the past but now I need attack fire power. My 758 city's now want blood. How stupid would the game be if I Need to ask for help to kill any city just because I can only send 15 attacks

Oh and to the guy that said chaos was invented in w18. Don't kid yourself. Strykers owned the patent on all chaos methods in w14 which I'm in.

Max Number of attacks per city?
Max number of attacks that can be sent out per city?
Max number of attacks a player can send per city.?
Max number of supports that can be sent to a city? ( is it still 25. Cause if it is how the hell do it kill 25 city's plus city's troops so 26 full city's with only 15 attacks including scholars).
What happens to troops already marching if for example I have 20 attacks marching at a city on the 6th and you cut if to 15. Do they vanish?

CT Eon
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Postby CT Eon » Wed May 30, 2012 9:15 pm

coachklowco wrote:Why not allow troops coming in behind scholars to stay as support rather than attacking a city if you capped it? You mention a desire to have it more like 'real life' and this is how it would happen. At least I would make sure that I had smart enough commanders to know that if we had captured a city in enemy territory that they should stay there and hold it instead of heading home for tea.

I mentioned that as well earlier saying there should be way for you to send support to a city you are attacking that way when you cap you can have support there 5 mins later to defend from inc...which was probably how chaos initially was used for defend against quick cap backs...I think your idea though in that sense is flawed because you normally attack using attack cities and I really doubt berserks and knights with rams would make a good defense...but if you were able to send support to land after your attackers (which as it was noted is what happens in real life anyway in the past) arrive then the city would actually stand a chance after...

I did run into the 15 cities blockade though just then...looks like I can no longer hide my scholar train and now I won't be able to launch anymore clears x_x

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Postby Sterling21jj » Wed May 30, 2012 9:18 pm

This is something that you need to have the next worlds do, having the chaos option posted. Have it in the world info just like unit speed an world speed etc....taking it away in mid world is an terrible idea. If you want players to play with no chaos give them that option. I have a lot of real life things that take up my time, family work, and other activities. But I play this game a ton in world 53. As one of the leaders in the biggest alliance in that world. You are running a risk of losing a ton of players immediately. It is a strategy that is used and now part of our world. If some one doesnt like chaos let them have the choice to move to another world with no chaos.

Changing something like this, where not all players "customers" agree on is not fair to the consumer of your product. It's about giving people the option of gaming.

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Postby LordDedder » Wed May 30, 2012 9:20 pm

I have no issues if you want to change the rules FOR FUTURE WORLDS!!
To change something as inherently part of the current game strategy as chaos is on current worlds in full battle is ludicrous !! It's just plain unfair!

Personally, I think it's great that there are different rules on different worlds, why not make this one if those changeable parameters for each world ?? I believe if you think it through, it would be a better approach to figuring out if it would work better or worse for your business model by testing it out on the next new world.

If you remove chaos on W40 I will delete the game !!
For two reasons: 1) it's unfair to change the game on people and I will do it in protest and to stand with many of the people who I'm playing with who will also delete the game, and 2) I practically won't be able to play anymore since I work and can't play 24 hours a day, and Chaos is the only way I can get myself away from the game without losing all my cities because I had to work.
I hope you see the ✨Valorian Light ✨
and come to realize a more measured approach is the wiser way!!
Crown, W40 UN03 (VLr42)

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Postby BullfrogDR » Wed May 30, 2012 9:23 pm

I can't find anything detailing the upcoming changes just keep getting referred to this bunch of chatter. And "rules will precede release". You know what you've programed I hope. Tell us now so can we quit wasting our time if don't agree with them. Thank you.

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Postby Stuckmojo » Wed May 30, 2012 9:28 pm

As one of those guys who contributed to the invention of chaos (yes playmesh I was one of those idiots who sent thousands of fakes to crash the server ... Twice) I have watched it evolve and then watch people exploit it. I feel this move helps us vets wage real wars where people can't hide behind chaos. I finally believe one guild can now take on the world. I will prove it too. I for one have spent countless dollars on this game and will spend more if that's what it takes to keep you chaos whiners away. I'm my opinion playmesh has always worked hard to make this game enjoyable for everyone. So what they made a mistake and launched it early boo hoo. I forgot you whiners never make a mistake. Sorry for the rant valor admins but you deserve a lot more respect than your getting. Keep up the great work guys. You've made a loyal player very happy.

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Postby Sterling21jj » Wed May 30, 2012 9:28 pm

Another point I want to make is if you change chaos for existing worlds that is like introducing the nuclear bomb into the civil war.


If peolple want to go to those worlds let them make the decision. Not you forcing people to play how you think they should.

Thank you

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Postby Jmav » Wed May 30, 2012 9:33 pm

I agree that a game should not be changed mid-game. New worlds can be designed as you see fit.

Make any attack that lands after a city is conquered become support. It is not realistic to think that one fat over educated scholar can defend a city. (the troops in the scholar wave ahould stay as well). Then chaos wouldn't be needed as much. And allow support to be sent to anyone you want. You should be able to support allies.

I still give you a big thumbs down for changing the rules in an active world that I have been playing since December.

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