Buildings And Utility

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Buildings And Utility

Postby Galdat » Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:15 pm

Does it benefit you to have a particular building above its utility. As an example, let's take the City Hall. To develop an Academy, you must bring your City Hall to 25. Level 25 is the effective utility for that building as it appears to provide no other benefit to go above level 25 other than speed of building. Speed of building goes away when you are finished building your city. Does bringing the City Hall to its max level of 30 (and keeping it there) help you in any other way? Does it help your defense?
And on a similar thread, what about demolishing a building below what was needed to produce another building. Again, using the example above; If i demolish the City Hall to 24, does the Academy disappear? Is the Academy affected in any way? What about the Barracks? I don't need them technically as i produce only Guardians at this particular city. But to research Guardians, you need a forge, and to produce a forge you need barracks at a particular level. I have researched my Guardians to level 3. Do i lose that research should i demolish any item in that line that was used to create it?

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Postby DanielJ » Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:18 am

About the city hall, I havent caculated if it does help above level 25 but personally I never upgrade my city hall to level 30 since it takes population. Yes, if you demolish city hall to level 24 and you need level 25 for academy then you won't be able to make scholar but you'll have the building.(academy might even disappear, not sure thought.)

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Postby Galdat » Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:51 pm

Thanks Daniel, I take it you have tried this(demolishing and losing functionality)? I was hoping a dev could answer and this could be used as a knowledge base article.

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Postby Boomhaur » Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:51 pm

You will not lose your academy but if someone wipes it out with ballistas you need to build the cityhall back to 25 to rebuild your academy.

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Postby DanielJ » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:51 pm

Galdat wrote:Thanks Daniel, I take it you have tried this(demolishing and losing functionality)? I was hoping a dev could answer and this could be used as a knowledge base article.

I haven't actually tried it. But i'm pretty sure it works like that, correct me if i'm wrong.
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Postby Blitzcraig » Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:07 pm

You can demolish the forge too to gain population ****e.

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Postby madhurjain » Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:01 am

You have a level 3 guardian?? Does that wary based on the world you are in coz I don't see any way to research after level 1, all my units seem to have a max of only level 1, after that it says its a max level at the forge.

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Postby Durotan » Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:09 am

madhurjain wrote:You have a level 3 guardian?? Does that wary based on the world you are in coz I don't see any way to research after level 1, all my units seem to have a max of only level 1, after that it says its a max level at the forge.

Its coz you play in a world with
1-level reserch

And to answer, in W25 (think so) i conquer a town and then someone attake that town with ballista, taking my hall from 25 to 21 and then my barrack from 24 to 19 (in another wave)
That town have an academy and my acamedy never disapear, but i never tru to get scholarships or build an scholar with it so i don't know that part, but for shure the building won't disapear, but buildings give score an at farm max lvl i thinkk u have 30k food, enough to build over 4k guards and max all buildings

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