Discussion for 2.0 Valor Changes

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Postby PwnLaw » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:38 am

Duke24 wrote:Ok that's good to know.

I want to clarify that everything mentioned will be pushed to all the worlds as long as they work? (sorry if that has been asked already)

Chaos Changes will NOT be pushed to all worlds.

Competitions WILL be pushed to all worlds (pending testing and iteration). I am currently lobbying for competition iteration within the next 1-2 dev cycles and pushing it to past worlds will be considered during that period.

New graphics will likely NOT be pushed to past worlds because of how the maps are populated.

Tutorial is a moot point for past worlds since everyone has gone through them.


Postby PwnLaw » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:40 am

Raptor525 wrote:Do you know when Valor will be available to people in the US on the android market?

We're working on stability right now. We don't want a bunch of people flooding into a broken game. Android is really tricky to get right because of all the different types of phones and we want to make sure the Valor experience over there is just as good as on iOS.


Postby PwnLaw » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:42 am

Jodamann wrote:It would be a great feature if we could save repetitive farming actions. The book mark feature can help. But, if we could launch multiple city coordinates in pre-programmed attacks, it would take the manual laboring out of it. The time required to type in coordinates or select cities to farm is labor intensive. Frequently, the highest performers farm all the time while those that dont have a significant disadvantage. I think it would help equalize competition and make the game more interesting.

Also, i like the idea of an end game. The futility of no end game makes the ownership of hundreds of cities somewhat frustrating and more of an endurance contest than one of skill, tactics, and strategy.

Noted on both. Both are being discussed. That doesn't mean they'll make it to the game, but it does mean it's on our radar and under consideration for prioritization to design/development.


Postby PwnLaw » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:45 am

2368 wrote:Looking forward to Valor 2.0

But from looking at the three changes none will change the game play in a significant way.

City View Construction - reduce 1 step - no need to go to city hall
Map Graphic - make it only look prettier
Competition - make you work a little harder but overall game play will not change

Please tell me if i am wrong

What will be very nice is something more meaningful is change in game play in addition to no chaos rules. I use to play in old world where chaos is not prevalent. It was fun and i can survive without chaos anything. So we would love to see some changes:

For example

1. New Units - you just had a competition on it, please put it to good use

2. With the new and prettier terrain, may be you can add a little more detail to it but make some land are rich in some certain resources

for example those close to the forest make it easier to produce wood, those closer to mountain make it easier to produce iron and those closer to the lake make it easier to produce clay. If there are significant different in the quality of the land then people will fight for it.

3. Ability to automate some thing (for example market). Should be able to ship resource automatically to a designated location. So market will be more valuable to built.

4. Larger city more than 43,000 which will be open up for those with point more than 500,000 or have more than 10 cities. Here we can have a layer of achievement and more rewards once you reach higher level. This will be better than a mere medal.

5. Ability to move units around. When you support your own city that city can then command the supported units.

6. Ability to earn experience on some units that more wars will make it more effective in combating. Many online game have this features. We can have something like a war general that we can educate and cultivate its war experiences and can ship this unit around to the battle fronts. (You may be able to make a lot of money on this since some people will want to pay for several generals to control their battles.)

These are just a few suggestions that want to share to make valor more exciting.

Thanks again for most exciting game ever. Life in valor is full of adrenaline. Much more intense compare to other world when your life is on the line and you can loose something you spend weeks investing in building it up.

But conquering can be a lot more fun if you really change the game play.

Will play in Valor 2.0 and Looking forward to Valor 3.0 with meaningful changes in game play :D D

Hey 2368 --

It's posts like this that keep me coming back to the forum for thoughts/ideas. Often there are a ton of complications that come out of even simple suggestions (both from a balancing perspective and a technical perspective), but it really helps to know what players want to see. We have a running list of what things are being mentioned and how often people are mentioning them and it makes a BIG difference when it comes to how we prioritize things. Our goal is to put in at least one thing from the community into each major development cycle.


Postby PwnLaw » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:49 am

Kingjason666 wrote:Can you tell me please Playmesh. In valor 2.0. Will u fix auroras blessing so it bloody works.

The incoming attack screen only show first 20 attacks/supports. What happened to the pages of attacks that it had in the past.

Mass recruit still kicks u out of the game. When you it says you can build say 2000 guards. I click on the button and pooof I'm kicked out of game. If I carefully click on the text box and type 2000 it works. But hey I pay for it so why can't it work.
This is something I do pay for every week and as you are looking for more money. Wouldn't it make you more money if it worked as more would use it.

Also loyalty of city is show when I don't have auroras blessing. Can it be shown with it? ( not a major concern but a request)

Also can you fix in game mail so that I can read the top line of the mail again. I can't spell for 💩
And if I can't read it it's hard to do mails.

Oh and one crazy. I got no problem with removing chaos. It was the attack number I could send at a city that was an issue. But that's fixed now thanks Playmesh.

And you say all red must be dead but that's hard when useless 💩 players can keep restarting at 1k. Come on Playmesh force them into a new world. I'm 30mill in points. What damage can a 1k flee do to me barring keep being a red dot.

We're looking at revamping multi-city management right now (which Aurora's Blessing seeks to help). We're not happy with it either.

Please please please send these bugs in to support so we can get them all documented. We've got an awesome QA team, but stuff is always going to slip through the cracks and it's up to you guys to keep us on top of it.

Yea, 15 was NOT supposed to be the limit. It was for internal testing. We thought it was too low too.


Postby PwnLaw » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:52 am

killerkouki wrote:BTW, I didn't express my gratitude for all the hard work you guys are doing. Sure you had a fiasco, but who doesn't. You guys are human just like us. And for atheist's sake, it's just a game. For those people who are spending money... sure, I think you have the right to complain. If you are not spending money, you have no right to bitch.

At the end of the day, you have thousands of people playing one of the best games on a mobile device. I have never spent this much time and dedication to a single game. I may not be a fan of having paid perks because they do unbalance the game, but I understand that people at PlayMesh need to be paid. That's a pretty fair trade off in my mind given how awesome Valor is.

All that said, I am excited for Valor 2.0 and I want to say keep up the good work. ;)

Thanks for the understanding. We were pretty upset about it. We're all very hardcore gamers as well so we know what a big deal it is to have something like that happen to people. We spent a long time going over it today so we can make sure something like this doesn't happy again...but I'm sure SOMETHING will happen sooner or later. :/

It's funny, when I was on the other side as a customer, I always wondered "Why don't these clowns just do it the right way?" Clearly it wasn't as easy as I thought. Haha.

As for the ideas, all being documented and noted. I want to comment on each individually, but I'd run the risk of raising hopes. I just want to make sure you know we read them and are putting them into our idea pipeline.

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Postby Avikal » Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:01 am

will there be competitions for iOS 4.2.1 users

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Postby Kingjason666 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:09 am

I did send those faults to support weeks ago twice and got no reply either time. I also told Kyle via direct email as I have spoke with him about worlds end ideas. And Kyle said he would pass it on as well.

So support should know about it. But if you could tell them about it again. It might get fixed quicker thanks.


Postby PwnLaw » Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:36 am

Kingjason666 wrote:I did send those faults to support weeks ago twice and got no reply either time. I also told Kyle via direct email as I have spoke with him about worlds end ideas. And Kyle said he would pass it on as well.

So support should know about it. But if you could tell them about it again. It might get fixed quicker thanks.

I'll ask them why they didn't reply (they generally do). As for the fix, it's probably because we're looking at a revamp.

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Postby JasonKot » Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:16 am

Hey guys.
What about to see how troops moved on the map?
Another people will see it and send support or help in attacks.

Sorry about my bad english.

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