Let people send waves at specific times

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Let people send waves at specific times

Postby Goatmaster » Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:36 pm

It would be great to allow players to send waves at a slower pace that way they can time their sends and not have to wait 6 hours to send a clear wave. Like say there is a place where u can enter in the time you wish an attack to arrive as long as it dosen't go under the longest travel time for the slowest unit in the send. That way you can send attacks and not have it ruin your day when valor is loading and you miss a send by a few seconds or you get truced (unrealistic to begin with because your still attacking them?...) and all of your troops die because the send wave is hours later. This would also make people spend more gold to insta spy waves so you guys can make more money!!

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Postby Deano87 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:56 pm

Goatmaster wrote:It would be great to allow players to send waves at a slower pace that way they can time their sends and not have to wait 6 hours to send a clear wave. Like say there is a place where u can enter in the time you wish an attack to arrive as long as it dosen't go under the longest travel time for the slowest unit in the send. That way you can send attacks and not have it ruin your day when valor is loading and you miss a send by a few seconds or you get truced (unrealistic to begin with because your still attacking them?...) and all of your troops die because the send wave is hours later. This would also make people spend more gold to insta spy waves so you guys can make more money!!

Plan your attacks better and it won't ruin your day. More people using reveal troops isn't what this game needs.

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Postby Tooltip » Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:36 pm

Hmm, a way to control how much slower a wave moves.

I like the fact you could use it to fake travel times, and then unsuspectingly send new attacks hours earlier.

Though, the ability to slow down troops may cause problems with long range attacks on slow worlds.

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Postby Fire820 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:42 pm

I like the idea and I've thought about it before. Here's why I decided not to mention it: chaos. I could basically keep a city in chaos for an infinite time for both attack and support. And guild wars. People could launch waves to land at intervals to make it impossible to support more than a limited number making everybody else susceptible because of the troops gone but not having a quick enough walk time to move troops around effectively and efficiently

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Mutli-destination attack

Postby 5krunner » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:42 pm

I have often found that when i send an attack, i realize i need support in another city. I would like to be able to attack a city and have the troops return to another city of mine that is on the way back after the attack.

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Postby Tooltip » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:45 pm

Should only be available for the first 15 minutes, while they are still in range of war drums, trumpets, fire signals, and banners.

Otherwise you'd need messengers to inform them of the change in orders.

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Postby Goatmaster » Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:03 am

In the new worlds there is no chaos so that would fix that exploit. And you could also put a cap on the walk time as your furthest walk time to that place from any of your cities to prevent infinate chaos or super long attacks. Thos people chaosing would lose those commanders for however long they were attacking for so that would also be a downside to that as well but its not that big of a negative if u have a lot of cities.

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Postby Fire820 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:14 pm

I think this would only work in non-chaos worlds. I have 14 cities in World 48. If I was asked to chaos a city, I wouldn't mind losing 5-10 commanders for however long I choose in some cities

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Postby Fire820 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:37 pm

Or maybe only be able to double the normal time. For example: If something normally takes 1 hour to travel to your destination, you could be able to have it land anywhere between one hour and two hours. Thoughts?

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Postby Goatmaster » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:58 pm

Ya i like setting the max time at double the normal time and then you can pick anywhere inbetween that would at least allow some room for compensation

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