
Post bugs you find here. Please read the sticky at the top first!
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Postby 3Piece » Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:16 am

Hi, I can't receive, reply or create messages. Please help its really messing my current attack plan !!!
Thanks 3piece

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Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:45 am

Postby JeremyScott » Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:49 am

For two days now my messaging has been down. I have my guys being attacked and as a crown i need to establish comms with both enemy and my guys. I spend all these coins to get ahead and i get set back. Love the game but man what a shot in the butt.
Thanks alturang

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Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:56 am

Postby Boxer666 » Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:59 am

Been having the same problem. Also a crown and cannot send/receive mail. Was hoping the update would cure the problem but that's not the case
Does anyone have a fix for this problem?

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Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:17 am

Postby Tempttt » Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:19 am

Same here, can't do anything with messages, keep getting the 'We'll be back!' or 'Unable to reach Valor' errors :(

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Postby ShadowsSil » Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:39 am

Email and report forwarding aren't working :(

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:59 pm

Postby Kerstman » Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:28 am

Playing in W2,5 and 69. And 2 days no mailing is undermining the game... To say the least.
Typing reports in chat or forum is a nice thing to do!
I rather be playing.
Please fix ot soon...

Greez, Kerstman

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