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Postby Smileymiley » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:43 pm

My city has been taken over and have restarted another city. I am still in charge of my guild and started recruiting more people but the quest of starting or joining a guild is still there. Is this a bug as the red star is very useful in telling me what to do next and is stuck on guild membership!!


Postby bananabandana » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:39 pm

This may be a bit of a tedious workaround, but you could have one of your officers promoted to a leader temporarily, then leave your guild and have them invite you. Then they can repromote you to guild leader and see if that also fulfills your quest.

That said, I would also add that quests in Valor really don't have much use in terms of resource value, and, if you are in a good guild, you can get pretty much the best advice you could get concerning Valor from your guild mates, not from your quests.

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