Recruitment for Special Positions

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Recruitment for Special Positions

Postby Shepherd1371 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:41 am

There needs to be a system in place where a player can spend resources on recruitment for specific military positions. For example, let's say you want to give a small to moderate to large bonus to the effectiveness of your knights and guardians, I should have the ability to recruit a Calvary Commander to lead those forces. This could require resources and people from the farm total.

This could be done with all military units. You could even give it more depth and dimension by allowing for the recruitment for tiers of military commanders. For example , I could spend the resources and recruit a Lancer Commander that holds the rack of Captain. This gives a 5% bonus to their combat effectiveness. If I was willing to spend even more resources, I could recruit a Major, Colonel or General to lead those forces. Each having with it a progressively advantageous bonus and progressive cost.

You could go farther and place minimum city requirements ( such as points ) to determine what you were capable of recruiting (attracting). For example, the minimum score a city must have to recruit a Captain Commander for your Sentries is 10,000 points. To recruit a Major, you would need 20,000 points, a Colonel would require a city score of 30,000 points and a full Field General would require an individual city score of 40,000 points.

This type of system would add depth and dimension to the military recruitment system and I feel would install incentives for building out cities, deeper critical thinking of ones war strategy and would make the player feel more vested in their troops.

Thanks for listening....

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Postby TheBloodMonger » Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:41 pm

Ahh yes... This would give valor a more military dimensional simulation. It would kind of beat the purpose of the combat medic though... Because if you have a general that adds a 20% combat effectivness and they beserk through and you lose less troops. I have no clue how this should go... In my opinion Valor.... update 2.10!

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Postby Shepherd1371 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:36 pm

Like most of the in-game options, the purchasing of medics would have the potential to off set the effectiveness of these commanders in the field. Just like in real wars. You could also add "Field Hospital Unit" to the recruitment window and follow the same idea of progression as the military commanders.

For example, spend so much in resources and farm and you get a field medic with a 10% life saving bonus. Spend more and get an advanced field medic with a 12%, spend more and recruit a field nurse with a 15%, spend even more and get a field doctor with a bonus of 18% and finally spend more and get a field surgeon for a 20% life saving bonus.

Place the same requirements for ones city points and your done. I would absolutely love to see these two systems in place. One new window within the barracks sub menu titled , " military/hospital recruitment" or something of the sort. As your city grows and with enough resources in your warehouse, the special positions light up letting you know they are available for purchase?/recruitment.

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Postby Fire820 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:00 pm

Sounds sorta like the forge in level-3 worlds to a degree

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Postby Shepherd1371 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:12 am

Any moderator care to give an opinion on this?


Postby Orlor » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:42 am

Interesting idea, I had passed it along to the game design team when it was first brought up.

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Postby Shepherd1371 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:51 pm

Thank you.

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