Merging cities

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Merging cities

Postby Slashu » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:30 pm

I would like play mesh to consider the potential to merge cities like 10 cities in one region to on super city. I believe this would help some players consider playing long term in the game. Having to manage 100 cities gets depressing when you think about the time it takes to just scroll through them. I only have 44 as I wright and debate about moving on further in the game due to the effort I need to put in to continually grow. How these details would be worked out would be tricky. But I do believe it would prevent allot of players from quiting. My only idea would be all 10 cities need to be maxed out for resources and level 30 castles to make this happen which could make it tough to do. And how to decide the location would be an extensive travel time which you would have to wait until your furthest city travel time is finnished.


Postby Orlor » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:35 pm

This idea has some potential.

How would the super city compare to a normal city? Would the farm amount be thrice the amount of a normal city? Would it have a higher loyalty level?

Could you build level 35 walls?!

Would be interested to see what other ideas there might be with this.

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Postby Skeet » Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:29 pm

I think this sounds like a great idea. I only have 40 cities now but even at that I get bored/frustrated scrolling through them all trying to balance resources, troops, and buildings. It's time consuming to the point where I wonder how bad its going to be if I get to 100 or more. Not sure i have that kind of time. At least with this thought you could merge the cities and continue to grow them. Increase all building 10-15 levels. Increase your farm, wall, resources, etc... Not sure how to locate which of the 10 cities becomes the super city but I do like the idea. I also think the loyalty level should stay the same. With a stronger wall and potentially more troops they still need to be able to be conquered.

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Postby TheBloodMonger » Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:34 pm

The super city should look intimidating and well over 100k points. The lumber mill etc. would have to be upgraded a lot though to even upgrade a building.

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Postby Slashu » Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:12 pm

After thinking some more about city merger I still like the 10 city for 1 super city. First it keeps the beginning stratagies of the game. The supper city would have to be 10 times resources, warehouse capacity, and farm capacity. And troops / scholar times would have to be 10 to 11 times faster. For an 11 times for incentive also could be 11 times more farm capacity also. And wall could be upgraded to 30 or 35. And to take the super city scholar hits would only do 5 to 15 loyalty damage and prestige effect 2.5. Or 5. And attack slots would be from 50 to 100.

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Postby Slashu » Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:26 pm

So there would still be fear and a bunch of work to make the city merger happen. And to early in game puts target on your back. You could also add a king to the supper city maybe. Again another incentive idea don't wanna change game to much. King equals two scholar hits. Maybe travels as fast as rams.

One more challenge and something to look forward to in the vallor world. You still have options to play with no supper city. More truces used while city merger is happening. More guild involvement to protect player merging. Faster servers (ya!) less cities less attack slots.
The big one!!! Less cities to scroll through. I figure 30 seconds to 1 minute plus lag time per city. 50 cities about an hour. The average person has 15 minutes if that during a break to play game. Scrolling through that many cities is a big demotivator. Knowing your playing the game and creating more work for your self. Instead of trying to organize cities in to major ones.

I know how to spell write lol

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Postby Hiitsmeeeeeee » Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:58 pm

I like this idea except for the X10 faster troops. Instead you could have the troop levels (in a 3 level research) move up to 5. Also you gain more research points so you can gain stronger units. In 1 level worlds I don't really know. Maybe all the units can go up to level 2 or 3.

The "super city" will be called a kingdom. The kingdom will be made up of 10 cities touching with no other cities in between. On the map it will be represented by a wall surrounding all 10 cities and in the middle of the other cities there can be a capital city. Your capital starts as a
max level regular city, as you upgrade your capital your regular cities automatically upgrade as you upgrade your capital. An example is upgrading the capital to 31 city hall all your regular cities city hall improve by 1. This keeps happening untill all your cities halls are 30 in regular cities and 60 in your capital.

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Postby Hiitsmeeeeeee » Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:25 pm

On the portal tab your cities are all grouped as a kingdom and you can click on a kingdom it shows all the cities in the kingdom.

Since you control all of the cities in a kingdom all of your troops can be moved to be stationed at any city. They will be able to attack as a large group like many players have wanted.

To destroy a kingdom you have to capture the capital city. Either you have to destroy it with a scholar like capture cities normally or possibly with a new type of unit. If it is with scholars the loyalty could be 300 since it is the largest city. Once you destroy a capital either you capture the kingdom or the cities can't rebuild the capital for a few days or maybe not at all.

I know I have posted a lot of ideas, but these can help add a new element to Valor and most players won't quit the world when the have too many cities to handle. Hopefully these can help get this idea added into the game in the future.

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Postby GeneralZaphod » Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:02 am

Yeah, not sure if that would ever fly for a lot of reasons, but ABSOLUTELY something must be done about large empire management! I have said 5 times probably that I can't justify spending $10 per-month, per world for Aurora's blessing, which in itself is not a complete solution to the problem, but it is helpful.

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Postby Slashu » Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:00 am

Well for allot of advantages listed above this would fly. Move ten cities into one bigger one on the map. Make you vulnerable during this merge time Somehow so it will not be easy to do Make it take like 5 times as long as scholar walk or 10 times to do from your furthest city. And you can only merge with one of your current city locations. So simply trading 10 for one big one to become more organized essentially with a few extra perks to make it worth while.

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