how we spend money

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how we spend money

Postby Connguy » Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:06 pm

As of right now, spending money on this game is a fruitless endeavor. Buying the smallest package is $5, a huge amount for an iphone game, and the rewards it gets you are next to nothing. The five buck package gets you enough gold to get 5000 free resources. In one 3000 point city i can earn that much in an hour, so basically you're saying we pay five dollars to skip forward an hour. Plus, all these things are one-world only. If you aren't sure about the world, there is absolutely no reason to spend money.

So here's what i suggest: rather than ridiculously overpriced one-time-use items, open up a premium membership option. It could be much better pricing because i'm sure a much greater number of people would buy it. Maybe have offers like $1 for 2 months, $2 for 5 months, $4 for a year, etc. some things i thought of to offer premium members are:
-a head start on new worlds
- periodic competitions for premiums only
- discounts on one-time-use items
- maybe a premiums-only world (to avoid noobs)
- little perks here and there like a 2% attack bonus for a week or a free resource booster. Nothing that would skew the game too bad so free players still have a shot, but enough to make it desirable

I think this would be a very profitable strategy. I know i for one would never spend a cent on the offerings right now, because they simply aren't worth it, but would almost definitely buy into a premium membership

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:58 pm

You may not, but others spend a LOT of money on it.

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Postby Fire820 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:21 pm

Yeah. I know of people that have spent hundreds on one world

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Postby Connguy » Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:08 am

Well yes, there are those who blow money on the game like there's no tomorrow. Which i actually think is another reason to install a membership plan. Right now, anybody can have a small amount of success, but the only way to actually dominate in the world is to spend hundreds of dollars. That's all well and good for the one guy and playmesh getting the money, but it somewhat injures the integrity of the game. If a membership was installed though, it would less of s money-dominated and more of a skill- and time- dominated game. Playmesh won't lose out, rather than getting $100 from one player they get $1 from a hundred players. And the game would become more open to victories for people who don't spend their life savings

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Postby larlis » Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:38 am

This money issue... You guys seem to think that's what matters. My experience is it doesn't in the long run. And Ive played valor for some time now.
(I also remember some playmesh guy saying in some thread way back the majority of the top guys don't spend as much money as you guys think. This I may recollect wrong but it would be interesting knowing so pls playmesh moderators; set us straight here ;) )

Being active (no every other day isn't being active. Active means you check in every other hour or more!) and being in a guild that's likewise active is what counts. Ok. Ive said as much in another thread so no need to repeat myself. Again ;) lol

What you are suggesting is really the opposite of what you want to achieve if I understand you correctly; you want to level the playing field between paying players and nonpaying players? And you think making one full version and a lesser version will make this happen? You complain about unpaying players having no chance against players who spend "their life savings". This is contradicting in my mind as you suggest the non paying gamers
1) get in the world later- they will fall behind in building cities, conq cities, yeah in everything.
2)having no attack boost as the ppl who spend money- they will have a harder time when fighting (ya even if its a small % you suggest it will make a difference or you wouldn't have suggested it and combined with the getting in the game later it will be crucial I think)

Combined you're suggestions will make the playing field more uneven. I understand you ssume a greater number of people would pay but heres where I think you went wrong. I don't think they would. Or yes, the hardcores ones already playing the game perhaps would as they already are addicted. (Though getting addicted to valor takes a little time, it doesn't happen simultaneously when downloading the app)
Would premium membership open up for recruiting new players to the extent Valor is now though?
Heres the thing; If the game had had anything of those payment plans you suggest when I first started I would never have downloaded the app. So my opinion is it wouldn't.
So I don't see how this membership suggestion would even the field at all, instead it would work against anyone wanting to play the game very actively and not spend money.
Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

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Postby awsomator » Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:52 am

I just think prices should be membership thing cause I think that's a very bad idea.


Postby Orlor » Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:10 am

You are correct Larlis. There are a lot of top players in worlds who haven't spent a cent on Valor.

They got there by playing a lot and being good at it.

A subscription model is something we looked at right when Valor came out, but decided against.

There are some stigmas with monthly subscriptions and as Larlis stated it does scare a lot of people away.

While going to that model isn't likely to happen we do watch for feedback on any of our current systems, including gold.

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Postby Hiitsmeeeeeee » Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:13 pm

Larlis is right, the game will become more unfair. The paying players can start early AND get speed ups and resources easier. The non paying players have no chance of surviveing long. By the time they get out of beginners protection they can be easily taken by players who pay. They have no chance to survive more than a week.

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Postby Jimmer32 » Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:49 pm

I just think the price for gold needs to be lowered dramatically. The current prices are absolutely ridiculous, they don't give me any reason to want to buy gold. Huge ripoff!

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Postby Arabstar » Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:35 pm

How about specials on gold like once a month or every other month all the prices for gold are cut in 1/2 or when u buy gold u get double your gold ... And it can be like a 24-48 hour special only

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