Retreat. And pause troop movement

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Retreat. And pause troop movement

Postby Pauld2468 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:10 pm

A few thoughts

Since we all know that cell phones were not invented back in valor days to recall troops after 15 min i was thinking how about a retreat button. Since we are the general/city planner * * Of vallor.*

Heres a scenario

I launch an attack on you from 4 hours away.

*In reality in those times how would you know im attacking if you cant see my troops over the ajacent mountains. As i draw closer withinin 1 hour of arival you get an attack alert. Being the defendant you push a button on your screen for the option for me to retreat. If i dont respond before my troops attack the attack goes forward as normal. Perhaps within that 1 hour you forward a report to my inbox revealing your cities troops and defences. During this time i make a decision to go on with the attack if i think i can take you out or retreat and live and fight another day.*

As for the 1 hour window for attack notification alot less of the defenders guild members could be notified of the upcoming attack to bring in support.*

I also realize that in some battles the guilds join together to take a large city. However by allowing the defender to give your guild the option to retreat would open up a new stradgety. some of the attacking force may think there to weak to continue. So the entire guild may opt to retreat or some may want to stay in the fight. Chickening out of a guild attack may be bad idea or it may be justified if the city was to large or had a lot of support via other city support from that player your attacking

Another scenario has you and an ally sending scollars to the same enemy city. They are about to arive within minutes of each other for the final cap. If you were to be able to take that city first you could then notify your ally the option to retreat his/her scollar. So it wont be wasted on a recap of the city

Idea # 2

The ability to pause and resume troop movement. Since different troop types move at different times once you launch knights and guards they will arive way before your rams and ballitas to take down walls. Scouts are way slower and by the time you get them all off where your rams are ahead of your knights and guards the city is usually in chaos on pre worlds before 75. This way your able to launch your whole army your wanting to attack with and time every troop arival time *with geat presision.*

So by sending a wave of knights and guards from one city and another city with rams and ballistas and a third city with a few supporting troops and a scollar you would be able to hold your knights and guards at bay untill your rams and ballistas have past.. Then un-pause your knights and guards and let your scollars follow behind everyone

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Postby Fire820 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:21 pm

Ok. I'm sorry… WHAT? I'm sure everybody knows my stance on issues like these. If you launch, you need to be prepared for whatever may happen. It's a risk

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Postby Deano87 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:47 pm

NO no no no and no. Way too easy to attack. If you want precision timing do it by your own skill. That's what seperates the good from the bad in times of war.

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Postby Hiitsmeeeeeee » Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:51 am

It's all about planning. I agree with Fire820, if you send the attack you better be ready for the consequences. All of the things prevented by this can be stopped by a little planning and full guild communication.

Idea 1. If you want to know what you are attacking, use some scouts. If you send enough you get the to see all of their troops and all of their buildings. If you can't handle the army don't attack the city.

For scholars all you need it guild communication. Say how many scholars a person is sending to a city and when it hits. Yes there may be 1 or 2 people who wait until they can get the city, but that still happens when you can stop the attack.

Idea 2. That is simple time planning. If you know a hit with knights takes 3 hours and a hit with ballistas takes 4 hours then send your ballistas, wait an hour and send your knights. Then they hit at around the same time. If you have to send them all in one large group. This would make attacking a city much too easy and take away a major difference between the strategic players and non strategic players.

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Postby Fire820 » Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:24 pm

Yes. Guild coordination and scoutings and simple time management can solve all these problems.

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