Scholars and scholarships

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Scholars and scholarships

Postby Prangor » Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:34 am

Just wondering why we need multiple scholarships for a single scholar. Why not boost the price for a single scholarship and keep it at one for one

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Postby LordFirefall » Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:12 am

Because large players would dominate. This keeps the playing field more level.

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Postby Connguy » Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:55 am

Lordfirefall, read the whole post before answering. His method gives no advantage to strong players, in fact i'd say it puts them at a disadvantage! The reason you have multiple scholarships req'd instead of just a twice as expensive scholarship is because eventually, the cost of the scholarships couldn't be raised anymore since the warehouse doesn't hold that much! Also it allows a player to buy one scholarship in city A and one in city B, instead of having to buy it all from one city

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Postby LordFirefall » Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:36 pm

If you are going to keep the larger price of the scholarship the same, just really high, it certainly would give an adantage to larger players as they would have more resources (call that option A). If you were going to escalate the price of the scholarship, you would either have to have a finite limit (say 500k of each), (call that option B) or you would reach a point where you couldn't buy more scholarships (call that option C). Another option would be to allow all cities to pool resources to pay for an infinitely escalating scholarship price (option D).

I've got about 150 cities, and I almost always have plenty of resources lying around in at least 50% of my cities at any given time. I'd make out pretty good under option A and B, and I could visit those cities when I know they've hit their limit. Option C would have no incentive for larger players to keep playing as they would have to give up cities to conquer more. My personal favorite though, is option D. It would solve my problem of having to scroll through all my cities buying scholarships - I could purchase a scholarship every x hours, when I had enough resources.

As I see it, the only variant that doesn't give the large player the advantage is option C. I don't see that getting implemented though.

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Postby Eklavya » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:04 am

Well said LordFirefall

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