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Postby Asplundh » Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:33 pm

The tactic you are describing is one usually used to run one's attacker kill points up. He has no intention of capping your city. He just wants to kill your defenders for the attacker kill points.

All you can do is join a guild that is allied with his guild at this point. There is one tactic you can try. Join a local guild. When notified of incoming attacks, send ALL of your troops except 100 Lancers to the nearest guild city in Support. As soon as the last wave has landed, rally your troops. Do this often enough and he'll get tired of the itsy-bitsy kill points he's getting. Eventually, you'll learn to rally your troops so the return home 1-2 minutes after his last attack.

Generally, if you see more than five incoming attacks, those last five attack waves will each have a Scholar. Rallying your troops so they get home just before or just slightly after the first Scholar wave will kill off his Scholars and net you some nice defender kill points.

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