Valor Still Down - Android

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Postby hysopia » Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:47 am

Really biting my tongue... my guild, they are leaderless... no comminication with those not on kakao. Aurgh!

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Postby sancheezy » Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:12 am

Over 72h (plus maintenance) that we have been offline.

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Postby lordrickard7 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:29 pm

One of the biggest failures in customer service a company can have is lack of communication during a problem.

Most people have no idea how much it helps to have someone checking in even to say " Hey we really appreciate your patience, things are still the same but I wanted to let you know we have someone/a team working to get it resolved asap. We take this very seriously and it is the highest priority to us right now. Just wanted to touch base and let you know that we are thinking about you"

Not that I don't feel that is the case (not important to Playmesh) as I have personally experienced support working through the weekend on their off time to resolve a problem, but what about those players who haven't experienced that or, for that matter, that don't even come to the forum?

But truly, being as we are now at the best guestimate time that we were given for a resolution, SOMETHING would be good lol.

I can't imagine they know nothing. i.e. "hey we are still in the midst of doing a trial on the google play version so we don't hand something more frustrating to you", "hey we can't seem to get our companies (PlayMesh/Google/Amazon) to agree on x,y and/or z"

And why is it we can't roll back to whatever previous version worked while they work this out?

I can't imagine as programmers that something as simple as a backup or restore point type thing wasn't done prior to whatever change went on on Sunday.

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Postby davejjr » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:39 pm

The interesting part is, I am hearing the ios people say since the update they are getting more errors. Sounds like a restore is what is needed. They messed up the whole program. The company may have started ios, but the future is android and anyone that wants to make real money will appease that market.

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Postby LordLos94 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:41 pm

I just bought 3 production boost before this happened its being wasted plus my citys dont have a truce put on them so there prolly being taken -_-...Great


Postby Orlor » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:43 pm

lordrickard7 wrote:One of the biggest failures in customer service a company can have is lack of communication during a problem.

Most people have no idea how much it helps to have someone checking in even to say " Hey we really appreciate your patience, things are still the same but I wanted to let you know we have someone/a team working to get it resolved asap. We take this very seriously and it is the highest priority to us right now. Just wanted to touch base and let you know that we are thinking about you"

Not that I don't feel that is the case (not important to Playmesh) as I have personally experienced support working through the weekend on their off time to resolve a problem, but what about those players who haven't experienced that or, for that matter, that don't even come to the forum?

But truly, being as we are now at the best guestimate time that we were given for a resolution, SOMETHING would be good lol.

I can't imagine they know nothing. i.e. "hey we are still in the midst of doing a trial on the google play version so we don't hand something more frustrating to you", "hey we can't seem to get our companies (PlayMesh/Google/Amazon) to agree on x,y and/or z"

The problems with guesstimates is that they are just that. If we give you a, "Hey guys, we think it might be up at X" everybody sees that as, "It will 100% be up at X".

Then if for some reason that time frame is missed everybody wants to know why we lied to them about when it was going to be complete. This is why ETA's usually aren't given until it is near 100% chance it will happen then.

As I mentioned in an earlier post I will be sure to let everybody know once it is submitted to Google Play. It should then be about 1-3ish hours after that till you are able to download it and play again.

I do appreciate everybody's patience through this issue.

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Postby andrreww » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:44 pm

I just find it amazing they didn't test compatiblity with update and Android before messing with things.

Orior, where we at?

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Postby davejjr » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:50 pm

Q2 64.1% of devices sold Android vs. 18.8% ios. Which should get priority? The past or the future? The company needs to re-evaluate its goals and priorities.

To add android has a 59% market share as of q2 2012. not only are they growing faster, but there are more of them.
Forbes is the source

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Postby lordrickard7 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:53 pm

I know what a questimate is and yes, customers always hear the lowest number. Nowhere I believe, have we stated that Playmesh has lied.

However, in a situation such as this I don't feel we are out of line asking for an update. I see that it is basically still the same thing.

Unfortunately, it appears as though Orlor doesn't get the full story from the dev team either.

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Postby snakeviper » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:55 pm

Orlor can i get a guess for the kindles version coming out? I understand it wont be 100% accurate just want to be in the idea of when, thank you

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