Various Bugs and missing features

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Various Bugs and missing features

Postby Sigel » Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:15 pm

I know I know, there is already a post here with missing features, when compared to IOS - but I think there should also be notes on the different things that are simply not working as intended, or seems glitchy for Android, to help the Valor team get an overview of what issues we have are out there..
(I've only played this game on a Samsung Galaxy S2, so these errors might only occour on this phone, I dont know :) )

Some of the most annoying things I have noticed are:

1. Insane load times, with black screens when trying to enter the Inbox / Reports area - loadtimes are up to 15 seconds to simply show this page.. Changing tabs from Reports -> Mail and the other way also takes quite some time..
If I enter a building, and hit the back button, its easily a 3-5 sec wait time

2. Laggy in general - moving around on your city with the graphical city turned on, isnt fluid at all - same seems to go for the ungraphical version..

3. Updating - it seems as if the game can't really update without you forcing it to do so.. if you enter the game, ressources, buildings, troop movement and all of these things dont update proper, until you hit the manual update button.. On IOS this simply runs automaticly without a single glitch (providing proper connection) as far as I've experienced..

4. When you have attacked someone, and the attack icon changes from "moving to the target" -> "returning" or -> "returned home" you get an error saying that the game has crashed, and the game restarts.. this has happened every single time I have done this so far... atleast 10 times by now..

5. CPU Usage... INSANE is the only word I can find that describes this... even though the program is "closed" or in sleep mode, it still consumes 20-45% CPU?? And sometimes it spikes up to even more.. If I dont enter my taskmanager and close the game down, it will simply drain my phone, using more battery than any other process, including the Android-OS, which in itself has a nasty appetite..

6. Name changing... How is this not "allowed" to android users? I can change my name sure, but it will cost me 50 gold to do so, even as a player just starting out?

7. This one might not be a flaw in the game, but using the forum on my phone is simply impossible as I cant type anything in the 2 text fields containing Login and Password..


8. Sometimes the reports from attacks show twice in your Inbox

I personally wouldnt mind if the game took up 100mb instead of the minor 35'ish mb that it requires at this point... If laying more data on the phone/device makes the game run smoother then so be it! I dont mind that, as long as the game gets more fluid than it is at this point.. If we are currently downloading the entire inbox area with all of its content every time we enter it, then why not just save this on the phone, and only update it when there is something new? (like every login, or every time you manually update?)

I hope people will post here if they have any other bugs or glitches that they have experienced - maybe it can raise awareness of some things that havnt been noticed by the guys providing us with this great game, so we can help make it even better :)

EDIT: Below I copied the list already made by some users, of all the Ios features that Android users dont get:

No ability to Transfer Account
No ability to Start world Over
No ability to choose direction of region to start in
No battle simulator
No troop stats
No In game Help button
No ability to forward reports/emails
No ability to send multiple resources (only one at a time in Android version)
No Twitter bonuses (huge disadvantage)
No ability to delete reports (as well as forward and other items mentioned in first post)
Lose important reports all the time (too many attacks land/are sent and report needed gets pushed to bottom and disappears)
Some forwarded reports cause my game to crash (this was reduced after last update but still happens on occasion)
No combat medics (other in game purchases missing too)
No ability to abandon
Guild Forum capabilities are seriously lacking (cant delete individual posts or edit them)
Can't change guild tags, name or description
No competitions
No ability to see guild rankings, leaderboards (other than global ranking)
Can't request invite to guild

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Postby LordThreshold » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:09 pm

My issue falls in w69. When I try to enter the map the game shuts down. When I reenter the game 2 hours after I left it, I still show incoming attacks that were 24 hours or more ago. What will fix these issues?

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Postby Paradox » Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:58 pm

Can't delete worlds off the carousel if you have ever entered it, its there.
Can't "Barb out"

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Postby JoeG » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:02 pm

Hello, Sigel and everyone following this thread. We devs are going to take a close look at these and the other Android issues raised on the board. We're extremely excited about Valor and making it a better experience for everyone. These lists of features-not-yet-in-the-game that you have made will go a long way into making that happen. So thank you for the list and your patience and support. It is much appreciated. :-)

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Postby Sigel » Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:48 pm

Glad to see that you guys can use our inputs :-)

Concerning the whole player name part - is that something that you plan on changing in a near future? So that android users dont have to spend 50 gold changing name, whereas a Ios user gets to change for free?

Bug/missing feature: it isnt possible to log on to the valor chat, at least not via the game.. The reply buttons etc. Also do not seem function

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Postby sancheezy » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:45 pm

I thought of another, do Android users get a different amount of outgoing commands? I feel that most of my cities only have 15 available although in some worlds (i.e. 68) when I took over a city I was sometimes granted the ability to send out 25 commands. In either case, I think it is not consistent across cities.


Postby Orlor » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:27 pm

sancheezy wrote:I thought of another, do Android users get a different amount of outgoing commands? I feel that most of my cities only have 15 available although in some worlds (i.e. 68) when I took over a city I was sometimes granted the ability to send out 25 commands. In either case, I think it is not consistent across cities.

That sounds like a product of the different Chaos changes. It wouldn't be device specific but there are slightly different rules for outgoing attacks in world 1-74 and then worlds 75+

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Postby lassieee » Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:09 am

Hi, let me just add the issues that i've encountered:
-unable to send 10000 or more troops of one kind, there's a 4 digit limit
-unable to send two or more different resoures, only one kind gets sent, need to send several "waves" of merchants..

It's good too see that several bugs on the list have already been fixed.

Btw im playing on galaxy note 2 after being transferred from iPhone (tnx for that support!)

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Postby Ghoulfist » Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:14 pm

I dont have the scroll arrow is that an issue for android users?

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Postby LadyD3la » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:28 am

The things lacking in our forum so that we may delete threads edit threads or our comments is really driving me nuts. I wanted to make a thread but it's been done. So here is my support on getting this soon. Forums are important for new members and keeping them clean is apart of making it easy to understand. We can't do that without these simple tools.

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