Let's Civilize this game!

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Let's Civilize this game!

Postby ShadowByte » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:27 pm

First off. I love Valor. Great job folks. Keep the updates coming!

I have a few suggestions that might give you some brilliant new dynamics to the game. Ever play Sid Meier's Civilizations? Be honest. You spent a good year on it at least. This game was brilliant and endless late-night hours disappeard on just one more turn! Here are some ideas we can glean from this game without losing any focus or direction in Valor. In fact, these new ideas will not only promote Guild/Team play, but also give short, medium, and long term goals to players, and add much needed new challenges to those bored of capping inactive cities.

So here goes. Valorians, please Like and post feedbacks if you agree!

1. Barbarian Cities Randomly Attack - Yes. What are barbarians if not aggressive roaming tribes that pillage and raise villages? Your barbarians have all fallen asleep. Time to breathe new life into them. Also, make some barbarian cities really hard to capture so much so that you either have to bribe them with resources not to attack you or you have to team up to take them down.

2. Discovery (Artifacts and Ancient Cities) - At the beginning of the game lay numerous random artifacts or make special random barbarian cities around the world; especially towards the outlying areas. This gives players a hope at discovering something that can add benefits to the nearby towns. Example +10% wood, iron, or clay boost. In later stages it may be a focus of attacks by rivals and add some life to the game. What about finding +100 Guards that joins your new captured city. Here is an even better idea, a stash of real gold coins the can be used to buy Speed Ups. You have to attack it with a significant army but eventually it's yours and then disappears from the map. Now you promote player early spread and the thrill of the search.

3. World Wonders - Add a page with a set number of world wonders like Pyramids, Stonehenge, Parthenon, Great Wall, Colossus, Sistine Chapel, Waterfalls, etc (get creative). ALL player cities can start a world wonder project in each city OR players can team up and send resources to a single city to complete the world wonder faster. A city can only specialize on 1 Wonder at a time. The FIRST player to complete one the projects wins the bonus effects that come with it and nobody else can build it again unless it is torn down by Ballista’s. Then it can be rebuilt or built somewhere else. Make some easy and some really hard to achieve; like 1Million, 10 Million, and 500 Million resources depending on the size of the bonus boost. Once completed, announce it across the World and post it on a Wonders page to say what player city and/or guild owns it. Change the city's icon in the world map to look like the new Wonder it holds. This is a beacon of pride, but also a focus point for rivals. The Wonder adds bonus effects for the city and/or the guild with each wonder giving unique bonuses as long as the city holds it. This also gives a possible avenue for an End Game scenario where the player/guild that controls all the wonders for set length of time (say 30 days) wins the world! Can you believe it, a world with an end? That which can be won or loss has MUCh more value than that which goes on indefinitely. Many Valorians quit because there is no winner. Give them something to win or lose and you will breathe new life into this game!

4. Automatic Building Queues - Your recent game updates touches on your attempts to make cities easier to manage. Nothing says easy like automatic. Levelling a city takes time and thats fine I don't mind that, but going back to build a never ending queue of new troops is mind numbing and keeps me way up past bed time. Allow a player to set a MAX number for each unit and the city will automatically continuously rebuild that troop until it reaches the MAX number. If troops die and the numbers drop, the city automatically rebuilds this troop again so long as resources are available. I know, you want to make money, so maybe, give each city only 1, 2, or 3 MAX queues and allow players to purchase more to have all their queues automatically rebuild for a set period of time. Gauranteed this is the #1 Spouse-approved feature everyone wants to live a balanced life of Valor and the Real World.

5. Finally, and unrelated to the rest, but a much needed feature is this: Make it HARDER to delete a Valor account. I have seen several players exit the game and barb-out unintentionally because they hit the wrong buttons while dozing off, or worse yet, their child deletes the world. This is such a simple feature; add a random password generator to exit the world so you cannot mistakenly do it. It makes more sense for the developers to keep players IN the game and not exit early in frustrations!

That’s it. That’s all. I hope you have enjoyed my thoughts and ideas (though admittedly Sid Meier had much to do with it). I believe all of these additions can add to the game without losing your overall vision for the game. I look forward to hearing other player thoughts and especial those of the developers! Cheers!

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Postby awsomator » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:48 pm

Isn't bad.Isnt bad.Barbarian cities should only attack if you attack them.I wouldn't want to be scared to attack a target thinking I'll get hit by thousands of Ballistas from a Barb.


Postby Orlor » Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:51 pm

Those are all some really awesome ideas.

I think you will be excited to know what we have coming up in the next few months. I wouldn't want to spoil it here though when an entire video could be made with those details.

As for #5 that is actually something I was talking about today with one of the devs. I agree that some sort of captcha or something to prevent accidental abandons is something we need to put in Valor.

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Postby larlis » Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:15 am

Civilazation is a wicked game!! Played it, loved it and the "just one more turn..." Ya. It's too true. LOL.

Your suggestions are very interesting, the barb attacking back I really like. ALso it would perhaps be fun to have some quests like you describe... But I wouldn't want Valor turning into a smaller version of Civ. Valor can stand on its own feet. Besides, as Civ is such a great game it'll be hard copying it without losing out to it. Just my opinion.

A password to delete the account sounds great!

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Postby pizzaking » Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:47 pm

PLEASE!!! If you are going to add captchas don't make them hard to read with all the letter scrunched up and squiggly. Nothing worse than feeling stupid because you have to try ten times...before you say, "screw it".

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