Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

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Postby MajorSeaward » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:39 pm

Do the game developers actually play the game??? Seems like if they did a few of the recent changes wouldn't have even been considered. At least bring back the scroll through city feature, please, please, please.

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Postby MajorSeaward » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:54 pm

And you can't see the full city names at the top of the screen, sob!! Most of my city names start with the same word and the rest can't fit in the screen. Damn this is horrible. If I wasn't such a stud I'd cry : ...(

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Postby Kingjason666 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:16 pm

As usual Orlor, Playmesh doesn't believe in testing stuff before screwing with the whole world. Why not have a beta group of say 1-2000 players. Pay them free gold to test these new updates before messing with us all. It only took me 3 seconds to know this latest update sucks big time. As soon as I saw the scroll left and right arrows to go to next city we're gone I knew it sucked.

It's simple I have told support and Kyle what to do to fix this and Playmesh keep twisting what we want into this latest update.

Take this to your developers. Scrap the latest update altogether.
Then put in a slide bar in the portal screen that you can scroll left or right to skip city pages very quickly. If I could scroll from city page 1 to page 114 with a slide bar that fixes all the getting to city's fast problem. You did it with things like buying scholarships. Do it with the portal. But tell them when they make it to have the scroll bar start on the page the current city is on so if the city I'm on is on page 54. Make the slide bar start on page 54 when I process portal button.

2nd figure out how to get emoji back working again I have hundreds of city's that I can't even read the name cause of something Playmesh tried to fix that backfired as usual. ( I have asked support they told me it would be fixed in latest update but it wasn't)
3rd make auroras blessing work again or invent something like like to mass recruit not only troop but scholarships as well.

How many other valor players agree with what I have written here??

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Postby Seris » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:29 pm

It's very clear that the developers and designers don't play their own game. That, or they just don't care, as long as the coin section takes over the entire screen.

My main objection is the arrows. I can't go through my cities at a quick rate. I try to pack my cities with scholars often, and it requires buying thousands of scholarships a week, and it already takes all day to get them. I'm a busy person. lol I don't have time to wait 30 seconds to go to my next city. The scroll at the side is basically the portal- which, honestly, sometimes I use when I'm not in my usual hurry. The scroll section would actually be cool if it were more complex. Meaning... I didn't have to type it in exactly and i could just use simple key words. There are some cities that have symbols in them and I don't want to scroll through aaaaaaalll of my cities, wait for the "press to load more" part to kick start, and scroll again...

Secondly, I can't see anything. Not only is the background brown, but the words are brown. Great freaking job.. Brown is ugly. It makes me think of dirt and mud. Which, is exactly what this update is- dirt. I can't read it, I don't know what my resources are unless they're red-- meaning full warehouse-- and I wanna know my limit for farm. I don't wanna know that I have 0 more units to spend. I wanna know that I've spent all of my units. So, here, I say change the color so everything isn't illegible, make the resources icons and numbers larger, REDUCE THE COIN SIZE ( I actually thought it was awesome seeing the sparkly coins in the corner. Made me feel rich cos I have coins lol) and make the mail/stats/forum icons better.

the last complaint, is the portal incoming, quest, and guild notices. I LIKE those. Just one common problem... They blend in too well. I had nooooo idea I had incoming. I didn't notice a single thing until it was too late. I lost a lot of points. I would give this thumbs up if you make the PORTAL INCOMING NOTICEABLE! Ie, flash more frequently and brighter? Possibly a more obnoxious color?

There's one pro, to these infinite cons.. I like how tidy the mail looks. It looks very clean and uncluttered. Same with attack reports and the report section. I do like that a lot. But that's all I like, unfortunately. lol

Playmesh needs to fix this, and soon. You make money off of coins, but you make an update that makes your coin buyers leave. There is a member in my guild that will go through coin withdraw if he doesn't buy a bunch of queue extenders and resource speed ups... He's debating on leaving and I know for a fact he has almost 2000 coins (saw a screen captured attack report earlier.) he should be your MVP. lol

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Postby Seris » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:46 pm

Seris wrote:It's very clear that the developers and designers don't play their own game. That, or they just don't care, as long as the coin section takes over the entire screen.

My main objection is the arrows. I can't go through my cities at a quick rate. I try to pack my cities with scholars often, and it requires buying thousands of scholarships a week, and it already takes all day to get them. I'm a busy person. lol I don't have time to wait 30 seconds to go to my next city. The scroll at the side is basically the portal- which, honestly, sometimes I use when I'm not in my usual hurry. The scroll section would actually be cool if it were more complex. Meaning... I didn't have to type it in exactly and i could just use simple key words. There are some cities that have symbols in them and I don't want to scroll through aaaaaaalll of my cities, wait for the "press to load more" part to kick start, and scroll again...

Secondly, I can't see anything. Not only is the background brown, but the words are brown. Great freaking job.. Brown is ugly. It makes me think of dirt and mud. Which, is exactly what this update is- dirt. I can't read it, I don't know what my resources are unless they're red-- meaning full warehouse-- and I wanna know my limit for farm. I don't wanna know that I have 0 more units to spend. I wanna know that I've spent all of my units. So, here, I say change the color so everything isn't illegible, make the resources icons and numbers larger, REDUCE THE COIN SIZE ( I actually thought it was awesome seeing the sparkly coins in the corner. Made me feel rich cos I have coins lol) and make the mail/stats/forum icons better.

the last complaint, is the portal incoming, quest, and guild notices. I LIKE those. Just one common problem... They blend in too well. I had nooooo idea I had incoming. I didn't notice a single thing until it was too late. I lost a lot of points. I would give this thumbs up if you make the PORTAL INCOMING NOTICEABLE! Ie, flash more frequently and brighter? Possibly a more obnoxious color?

There's one pro, to these infinite cons.. I like how tidy the mail looks. It looks very clean and uncluttered. Same with attack reports and the report section. I do like that a lot. But that's all I like, unfortunately. lol

Playmesh needs to fix this, and soon. You make money off of coins, but you make an update that makes your coin buyers leave. There is a member in my guild that will go through coin withdraw if he doesn't buy a bunch of queue extenders and resource speed ups... He's debating on leaving and I know for a fact he has almost 2000 coins (saw a screen captured attack report earlier.) he should be your MVP. lol

And I'm not asking for the old interface back. I know it was 95% of the reason there were so many bugs. The speed is a huuuge improvement, kudos on the speed lol but the layout could have been better.. Arrows. Hint hint lol

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Postby chillai » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:54 pm

just got the uppdate as well. I agree that the new interface have made some changes that's not too good. like the brown on brown color and the fact that the coin takes half of the top bar. as well as the city-scrolling.

Besides from this my map crashed and I was told if this happend I'd download Valor HD version of the game. Sure, in this version the maps works. but pretty much everything else looks like it's in developing phase. eg. buildings are "gen_level_n" and when you start building the que name is "citygall_queue_level" basically, one can not see what lvl ones buildings are. And it's realy frustrating too see all these programming names.
Hope this new "uppdate" will be fixed soon!

However, I like the new report window. easy to use!

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Postby wusijia » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:55 pm

If they won't change back, I will quit the game for sure. Simply no time to do the stupid tapping to shift between cities. from world 49 player.

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Postby Biwin » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:58 pm

Hopefully we'll hear some sort of response from the dev team soon.. I'm getting pretty anxious not being able to maintain my empire :P

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Postby Aneronas » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:21 am

I've updated. And my first thoughts was what the hell have they done?

Farm space was easier to read as the 23000 number rather than going in reverse. With the big number you can determine what level your farm was at during city upgrades. Now you have no idea until you build

The city view is rubbish.

The arrows to scroll through cities is a must. Especially if your looking to attack someone, just sending fakes, or just scrolling to build cities

I've logged in and don't even want to attempt to do anything.

The best upgrade they could have done is fix the lag issues and constant messages about valour not available

What a load of rubbish. Please revert this back to the old interface

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Postby DonDavid » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:28 am

I think that everyone is agree about this new version is not friendly at all, and pllay the game with this version is a real nightmare, so playmesh guys, lets go take a step back and give us the old version ASAP.

Its very obvious now that you have enough feedback to understand that we do not want that unplaying version.

Thank you
David.ed, CEO
Hooting, Inc

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