Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

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Postby AceDragon » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:12 am

Also in the top bar. If you want gold to be bigger than the rest, change the wheel of fortune button it's huge and not really needed to be that big.

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Postby Mono » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:13 am

Agree with all problems previously described, but 1 to add:
I can't read what city I'm currently in b/c the brown on brown color in the top left makes it unreadable. If I hold the phone just right, I can figure out the city name, but absolutely can't see the coordinates. Make the city name and coords WHITE.

Without the buttons to quickly forward or rewind to other cities, and without the use of maps, I can't play this game. Please fix quickly!

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:21 am

Orlor, PwnLaw, et al,

I haven't seen this much angst since the chaos fixes rolled out by mistake. From my point of view, you guys took a step backward with this update by removing the left and right arrow button and removing the refresh button (replacing it with the Gold buying button?!?). You've now increased the time it takes to manage large amounts of cities, rather than decrease it. Whether this was your intention or not doesn't matter, perception is reality.

I've seen in a few posts that you guys have a UI meeting on Wednesday. If I were you, I'd convene an emergency one early and roll back this update until you can rework it. At this point, the villagers are angry...

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Postby Angusandnico » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:27 am

Also drop down cities don't show regions. For those who like to put region and numbers in your city names. Thank you. You make my life so much easier, when I'm looking at assigning targets. You're the first ones I like to go for. For those of us, who like to make people work for it, pls show regions in drop down too.

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Postby Soysauce » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:30 am

Omg, this is the worst version ever! It is not user friendly! I really hate it. I can't imagine if you have more cities later and have to flip back and forth to update your cities. What happened to the scroll!!! Also, the farm capacity is gone so you can't tell h

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Postby Billybongo » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:30 am

Yes Wednesday may be too late I have loads of players threatening to leave the game and are not small time players who only have a few city's these are long time guys who love the game but it takes enough time as it is to go through all your citys as it is and they are not happy

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:35 am

I'm hearing much of the same.

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Postby Hawk45 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:53 am

Your waiting till Wednesday, will hurt my world 28. I was getting attacked , now I have a hell of a time moving around.

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Postby Nomia » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:23 am

It is good to know that you are reading the feedback but hopefully you actually take it into account and fix the issues unlike many companies out there that just give lip service to how important their members' feedback is but don't actually address any issues.

I will reiterate what others have said already as I think you need to hear as often as possible how terrible some of the changes are.

First the good. The update is faster. This is a welcome change. Also, it seems a bit more stable (though others are having issues with logging in and map crashes) and I am not getting an error on every button click like I was before. Lastly, I like the new mail look. Unlike other parts of the interface, it is clean and crisp and easy to read and the fact that I don't lose the mail I was last looking at or responding to when I change screens to look at the spelling of a name or a city location or guild is really a bonus. Nice job there.

However, with all the praise I have for the good aspects, there are several problems with the new update that make the game much less friendly and appealing. I have not spent the amount of time I would normally already because it is tedious and clunky.

1. It is difficult to read the small font at the top of the screen and the brown/black font on the brown background is also a pain to read quickly.
2. Incoming attacks blend in.
3. City search feature is a joke. It takes up most of the screen and is of no use to me. Perhaps it is to others but I haven't seen anyone who really likes it yet.
4. The coin/plus for buying more coins takes up valuable window real estate that could be used for something else (like the toggle buttons to scroll through the cities).
...and most important...
5. The lack of quick city changing. It is a pain to not be able to scroll through cities. It means I need to remember which city I have outgoings from or be stuck going back and forth from either the portal or the city search and loading up each city to look rather than quickly moving through my cities with the toggle button. I know one of our guild members (who says he is a playmesh investor) is singing the praises of the new city management and how it saves him time, but everyone else thinks it takes longer. I agree with the latter, it is tedious and making me seriously consider why I invest time and money into this game. You are taking away the fun by making it unwieldy. I only have 40 cities and I don't want to deal with it, I cannot imagine how frustrated players with 100s of cities must be.

In the end, I would take the unstable but workable interface over both the bad and the good of this one any day. I might have crashed or had endless error messages but I could manage my cities and read my screen to know what was going on. Now, I am sitting here thinking I need to go through my cities and it feels like work, not play...

I agree with the others who have said waiting until Wednesday is a bad idea...

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Postby MemphisViking » Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:14 am

Tazi wrote:I like the list of towns but.... We still need the right/left buttons to scroll more quickly.

I agree. Keep the sidebar, and especially the search box, but put the arrows back.

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