City Sidebar: Your Input

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City Sidebar: Your Input

Postby bananabandana » Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:07 pm

Hey Valords and Valadies,

So there's been quite a ruckus about 2.1.3, and, as much as I appreciate your feedback on preferring the older Valor, this thread will focus on the new features that will eventually make their way into standard Valor, namely: City Sidebar.

We've already received some very good feedback on this feature:

-Highlight the city you are in
-Autoscroll to the city you are in
-Create filters

In response to the last item on this list, I would really like to hear how you organize your cities, and dedicate this thread to that search:

How do you organize your cities?

Do you name them alphabetically? Numerically? By Region? By units stored within? By Power Ranger series name? Examples are welcome!

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:33 pm

I name them based on their location. I start with set names in my core area and as I expand out, based on their proximity to my core area (South Brisbane, West Brisbane, and etc).

When I have a lot of cities to deal with (50+ for instance), I rely on an excel spreadsheet to track what cities I need to touch daily. For instance, do I need to train more troops, build something, tear down something...

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Postby AceDragon » Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:42 pm

I unfortunately just have mine numbered in order I got them so there really is no order. However if I had enough gold for 1000 cities to rename them, I would name them according to region.
So as far as the city side bar that was on the left. It's a great idea however, it needs to start at the city you are at not at your first city. And with the side bar you should be able to load cities from the top and bottom (not going to scroll all the way around, if you can only load more cities on the bottom).
Reason being, if the cities are named in an order of region and the city side bar started at the city you are currently at chances are the other cities you want to use to attack with or defend with are right there or near there.

Great ideas with the new update, just need some tweaking.


Postby bananabandana » Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:58 pm

AceDragon, do you generally scroll through your cities in the order that you have named them? Would you say a per-region filter would be ideal for you, so you could name your cities numerically but also have a region filter that allows you to navigate cities both ways?

LordFireFall, your meticulous tactics both astound and disturb me...

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:30 pm

Most folks I game with say the same thing. Except for those that have actually seen the spreadsheet. I get even more extreme responses from them - LMAO.

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Postby AceDragon » Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:31 pm

Yes, a region filter would probably be best for me instead of renaming everything.
As for now, I just go to one of my cities and look for other cities I have on the map, then either write them down or remember. Generally I do have a group of cities near each other and are in numerical order.

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:35 pm

How about a user defined filter? A check box next to the city name that we can filter on.

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Postby Crypto » Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:06 pm

I order mine by region/units in the city. So for example and offensive city might be 1.1 a defensive city might be 2.1 and a city full of guards might be 3.1... I have the decimals at the end to show how many cities I have so the first city I make will be offensive on a world so it's name will be 1.1 then when I claim my next city if it is also offensive it will be 1.2 then for different regions I do the same thing but put the region at the start eg. R30 1.1 and so forth

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Postby Samara2k » Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:14 pm

Currently I name them by region, quadrant, city number. eg. 22-1-1 would be my first city in R22 in the NW quadrant of the region. However I really need to introduce a code for Defence, Attack or Mixed cities.

Also no idea if it's possible but filtering cities that I need to upgrade would be awesome. Not just those that have upgrading that can be done, but the ones I choose. For example I would ignore hiding place or City Hall above 25 and other people might not want to take warehouse above 15

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Postby Samara2k » Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:15 pm

P.S. I've used a spreadsheet too LordFirefall but found having to be at my comp to do it too confining. :P

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