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Postby Hawk45 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:29 pm

PwnLaw wrote:Thanks for the note Browniees. The first step toward better city management is currently under development. The things you've mentioned are actually already spec'd, but they'll need to wait for a subsequent phase. I think your complaint is justified and it's something we discuss with a fair amount of reguarity internally.
browniess has the point, I think to keep your veteran players, we need a scholarship building button. Whether it's flipping thru 30 cities or 1000, the time it takes makes player want to leave valor for something with faster play. I have played since world 28 and will not stop till 28 is done, but your starting to lose my interest in gaining cities and it just takes to long to go thru every city every day.
Oh and if you want the most players to stay with valor I would make this free. I know many players that have left the game simply because it take to much time to play.

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Postby Bl1ndFury » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:49 pm

On the topic of external communication apps used for Valor.... *The biggest aspect and the biggest benefit to using an external communication app is the fact that coordination and communication can take place between guilds and not just within guild*. The current in game chat was a good move at addressing the fact people use other apps for comms, however it doesn't allow for communication and direction to take place between guilds. This is the main reason people starting using external comm apps to begin with, and its the main reason the current chat set up is inadequate. Direct messaging person-person is ok, but being able to coordinate strikes from several guilds at the same time is essential when in the thick of a guild war.....especially in worlds with smaller guild sizes. Another reason they are used is for the ability to share reports and pictures with minimal effort (one post and multiple people see it). Having to forward a battle report to multiple people gets redundant and time consuming when a particular battle requires multiple attacks from multiple people. Being able to react quickly is a serious benefit when coordinating attacks within a time frame.

I would looooooooove to not have to use two apps to play Valor well with a large group of people, and i would really enjoy seeing improvements made in this area as well as the city management issues for large players. Keep improving Valor please :^)

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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:14 pm

Would much rather see the improvements to city management. Leave the chat improvement to the chat app companies.

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City management

Postby Moltke » Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:34 pm

Believe me, when you get over 500 cities, management becomes a real problem. Aurora's blessing fails because there is no way to refresh the database for all cities. A "full db refresh" button with a time estimate would be awesome (For example: "This will take 4 hours. Are you sure?"). The ipad crash problem seems to have been fixed, so at least it's now possible to get through the cities, but it's a real issue and a lot of players are leaving because of it. Reminds me of a dungeon master in D&D who wanted to concentrate on gold when the rest of us just wanted to kill something (many, many years ago . . .). I know this is a database efficiency problem rather than a deliberate decision, but an interim fix would be a good thing while the database management is streamlined.

The play balance is fine, don't mess with it!! Stacking attacks is a fine time-saver, but Napoleon would have gotten nowhere if he couldn't use interior lines to defeat his enemies in detail. I just killed 35,000 guardians with more 100k's of zerks than I bothered to count. Took a while, but why give the offense a huge assist? Defense is hard enough when an active guild comes knockin'.

Trust me, finding more than 25 active 2M point players is tough these days (actually, finding 10 is a challenge). I've run guilds, and 25 is enough to manage. thank you very much.

Moltke (the world 48 Borg)

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Postby ASIANBOSS » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:55 pm

I think larger guilds are much better and we should have in later worlds not 60 but maybe 40 because 25 is to small and 60-100 like people want is to big and we need faster world speed with resources too I'm tired of having to wait for days so I can get enough scholarships for a scholar

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Postby neuroblade » Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:40 am

We only have 25 member guilds in W40 yet in various battles the world had been strained bringing out all sorts of strange behavioral.

Just keep the game to work as it should is already a mammoth enough task.
Getting reports in a timely manner, sorted in the right order.
Sometime we see a number of incoming attacks but there is no way to find the targeted city until you refresh data on that city.
This gets crazy when you have hundreds of cities.

Another annoying inconsistency is the entry of city coordinates. In some screen you can enter, say a six digit city coordinate without manually changing the inputbox, this however does not work typing in coordinates in the market screen, making it inconsistent.

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