Scholarship counter malfunctions

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Scholarship counter malfunctions

Postby CharheRain » Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:33 am

Today for@ least the second time -I watched scholarship counter meet the required amount & reset to zero saved for next scholar.
The problem being never advanced the scholar that may be educated # ,to allow a new scholar to be created!
Once your over 50+ cities it takes much too long to get a new scholar for this glitch to further delay scholars!
Please correct problem!
Please fix my scholars able to be educated.....Help!

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Postby Kur0r0 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:35 pm

If you're having problems with your scholarship count, send in a support ticket at

Be sure to include your Valor username, world, and as much information detailing what happened as possible.

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