World 100 distribution of top players

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World 100 distribution of top players

Postby LordBradley66 » Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:00 pm

When I look at my point rankings, I am ranked 206 in world, and 106 in R22 region.

This means that 106 of the top 206 players at this point are located in R22. I would have thought that the placement would be random, but influenced by selection of regions.

When new players start out in a world (World 100 in specific), are they distributed completely randomly, or do you populate region by region, or are certain players targeted for certain regions based upon their prior game experience/profile?


Postby PwnLaw » Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:08 pm

We populate by time of entry. If you enter a world at the same time, you'll generally be in close proximity.

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Postby Brendone » Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:37 pm

More specifically, it starts filling up from the single point at the exact center of R22, and spirals out from there. Even if you select a direction, it often doesn't matter in the beginning, you'll still end up in R22. By time the world is full you'll start having people near the 'corner' of the world, such that the last person to join is probably going to be closer to the strange backwards and upside down border land of R00/R04/R40/R44.

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