Valor is currently down due to Amazon Web Services Issue

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Postby PwnLaw » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:37 am

SvenHo wrote:I dont think it is fair to just let the game run and accept "a period of inefficiency" as you named it.
There have been short times during the downtime and maybe still are that allow a few players to login and do what they need to do.
Others dont have that chance :-(
That is definitely not fair and gives a few a huge advantage vs the majority.
I bought a lot of gold in W100 and dont think you are taking the right decision if you let the game run like this.
Please reconsider!

We can monitor traffic flow and people are not currently using the game. Some may be able to enter and navigate around a bit, but the servers are still unreachable.

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Postby Jothemaster » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:37 am

PwnLaw wrote:We can monitor traffic flow and people are not currently using the game. Some may be able to enter and navigate around a bit, but the servers are still unreachable.

Do you guys have an update on the servers.
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Postby Koalagrl » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:40 am

Hey guys here's a idea lets play the games we played before valor was our lives... Who's in for a game of LoL?


Postby PwnLaw » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:42 am

Jothemaster wrote:Do you guys have an update on the servers.

Same as a few minutes ago. They're up, but not working correctly. Highly glitched. We're working through it now. I should really just update the OP. :/

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Postby DjMcBrien » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:43 am

Koalagrl wrote:Hey guys here's a idea lets play the games we played before valor was our lives... Who's in for a game of LoL?

Oh god no!!!

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Postby Jothemaster » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:44 am

PwnLaw wrote:Same as a few minutes ago. They're up, but not working correctly. Highly glitched. We're working through it now. I should really just update the OP. :/

Well if it will fix the problem then be my guest
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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:46 am

Daft Vader wrote:Lord Firefall. I suspect that the buying of gold sets up a contractual relationship, and that there is an implied term that you can use the gold, and obtain certain advantages in gameplay by doing so.

Having said that I am sure that Playmesh will look at the situation when the outage has been resolved and come to a reasonable decision. Preferably one that doesn't involve each individual claiming separately. It should be fairly simple to set up for example

Free game players 25 Gold
Queue extenders extended for x hours
Build bonus, extended for x hours
And for My guild in w100 each member to receive 1000 gold, and access to w100 60 minutes before the forces who are aligned against us.

I've not read the user agreement in a long time, but I'm sure there are contingencies. As far as an implied term that you can use gold, that wouldn't fly very far unless the game ended. Then a refund would be due, but not for an outage. Now things that were already purchased in game, like queue extender and such, I'm sure they will extend for the length of the outage.

As far as pursuing Amazon, good luck with that. Most service agreements have a certain guaranteed uptime. When you look the numbers, 12-24 hours probably isn't going to require Amazon to compensate much. They never listed it as a service disruption, and are showing all green for their status now, even though everyone knows it isn't true.

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Postby SvenHo » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:56 am

sorry, but there have been player who filled their building queue
i know some of em
maybe that was some hours before but it is still unfair to all the others who were not as lucky

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Postby figeloal » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:56 am

SvenHo wrote:I dont think it is fair to just let the game run and accept "a period of inefficiency" as you named it.
There have been short times during the downtime and maybe still are that allow a few players to login and do what they need to do.
Others dont have that chance :-(
That is definitely not fair and gives a few a huge advantage vs the majority.
I bought a lot of gold in W100 and dont think you are taking the right decision if you let the game run like this.
Please reconsider!

I am one of the few players that didn't get hit to bad with this downtime because i had a good warehouse and i also managed to login twice (yeah i have no life outside of valor). Still i think that a rollback is very necessary! Many people have been screwed over and some people have gained unfair advantages. I am also a heavy gold buyer and will reconsider it in the future if this situation isn't handled in a fair way! So i support the OP 100% and a rollback should be done :)
Just my 2 cents :)

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Postby BaronDG » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:56 am

The period of inefficiency option for the restart does favour players with higher warehouses and would give them a big big big advantage in w100 where farming has been particularly low yeild due to the proximity of players. It would change the dynamic of the game as it was. It would be better off to start as we left and jump the clock forward so that you don't loose time integrity with other worlds.

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