Valor is currently down due to Amazon Web Services Issue

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Postby CmeNomore » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:34 am

Give me coordinates of your enemy's, I will destroy for an itty bitty fee.....just want to wet my beak a little, that's all

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Postby Sft2010 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:34 am

If you would read what PM has said they would really like not having to do a rollback if possible. Doing what AWS has suggested would be a rollback.

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Postby Shogunbill » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:35 am

I agree that there is nothing we can do except wait for playmesh and Amazon to get there heads together and resolve this problem. BUT I am in agreement with many other people on this forum especially SvenHo, in that alot of people have spent alot of time, effort and money to build their cities, using growth assist and resource boosters, I can only hope that Playmesh will be gracious in this matter by re embursing those who have helped to make this game grow to the level it is at? I feel if this game was not so popular then you would not have so many people messaging the forum for the game to be sorted? It must be bad as I never do forum's lol
Please sort this glitch so that I and thousands of others can get on with our addiction

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Postby Sirwalksalot » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:38 am

PwnLaw wrote:I don't want to commit my engineers to something, but we think we can cobble together an alternative in the next 24 hours if nothing happens on the Amazon side. If we need to resort to hijacking the Google servers a few miles away, then I've already got my pirate outfit for Haloween available for the task.

Our team is small, but our dedication fierce.

This cobbled up alternative, would it continue to grow into a back up after all this is resolved, so if and when this happens again we won't be so devastated?

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Postby DirtySouthATL » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:39 am

So they would rather have us all down, have to compensate a TON of us that have queue extender and resource boosters than do what AWS says. That makes complete sense. Their graphics are way more important. lol

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Postby GreatKahn » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:41 am

While its understandable that this is an issue stemming from Amazon and PM is just as much a victim as we are, I dont doubt they will be seeking some sort of remunerations for their lost revenues. And as many have stated each individual will have the ability to seek out similar recompense as they see fit. What I havent seen and what my feeble mind thinks is a good idea would be to create a reset time. This is to say that once they have the game up and available to make an announcement that the game will return in one hour or so that there is a level playing field as to reentry into the game. Just a thought, bottom line just like everyone else including PM I am looking forward to getting the game back up and moving.

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Postby cattiebrie » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:43 am

Valor is finally back online for me!!!!! :) I was having withdrawals just like everyone else. Just had to wait it out. Hopefully it doesn't happen again though.

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Postby DirtySouthATL » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:45 am

It's online but there is a new message. Apparently playmesh is awake now.

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Postby Brikel » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:46 am

Kahn, I'm still stuck on remunumerations....

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Postby Filthysnotrag » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:48 am

DirtySouthATL wrote:It's online but there is a new message. Apparently playmesh is awake now.

I saw it too. And I don't think PM wasn't following Amazon's instructions, he's just trying to fix HIS end of things.

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