Automation and Bots

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Automation and Bots

Postby Imya » Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:36 pm

I did some searching and my question to PlayMesh is what is the stance on bot'ing and automation for Players that know how to do that sort of thing. Is there an official stance on it, are there any guide lines. Did I completely miss it in my searching. To my knowledge automation of the client app at least on iOS is not possible but that doesn't mean network traffic automation and bot'ing is impossible.


Postby Orlor » Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:53 pm

Imya wrote:I did some searching and my question to PlayMesh is what is the stance on bot'ing and automation for Players that know how to do that sort of thing. Is there an official stance on it, are there any guide lines. Did I completely miss it in my searching. To my knowledge automation of the client app at least on iOS is not possible but that doesn't mean network traffic automation and bot'ing is impossible.

The official stance is don't do it in any way. Play the game like it is meant to be played, without mass automation of certain tasks.

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Location: San Jose, CA

Postby Imya » Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:01 pm

Thank you for the reply. Not what I was hoping for but I can respect that answer. I hope PlayMesh can speed up the responsiveness of the game, currently its to slow to play and enjoy once you get enough cities. I had looked forward to writing some AI's but I'll skip it and maybe go back to some Wow.

It takes roughly 3-5 seconds to load the next city and then 3-5 seconds to put two upgrades into the Queue for building. That ends up being 10-15 seconds per city. It can take two to three hours to just scroll through all cities and upgrade them. I'm all for spending lots of time in Valor and have been for a while now but I should be able to knock out my city upgrades much faster.

I have one more question and that is the negative scholar question. Does PlayMesh care about those players that take advantage of negative scholars? I've thought about it for a very long time now and I don't see a way for it to be fixed. One could argue either way that its part of the game to take advantage of it if your in the know and one could argue its an exploit don't do it.

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Postby Brendone » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:31 am

Negative scholars are useful, but not impervious. If you figure out where someone has a supply of scholars, you can nuke that city and leave him unable to conquer until he pays off his scholar debt (we won't even be able to conquer his friend's scholar city). Also if you have a player with only a few cities rotating around the world, becoming his guildmate's cities, you've spotted the scholar supplier, conquer his cities with prejudice and you've knocked out their ability to keep it going.

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Postby Imya » Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:03 pm

If done properly and coordinated correctly you cannot stop negative scholars. Your points are valid but they assume some doing it right is not planning for such attacks. The problem is any player that learns how to manipulate negative scholars has an unfair advantage that boils down to the scholar limit does not apply to them.

Any world that has players that have hundreds of cities more than then next player has players that can ignore the scholar limit. This can be assumed by looking at the top 20 on a world. One could assume that the top 20 players are the most active on a world. All things being close to equal those 20 should be close to each other in taken over cities since they are all limited by scholarships and scholarships are limited by resources and resources are limited by time.

When you see player 1 at 100. Cities and player 2 at 20 cities and player 3 at 18 cities and player 4 at 17 cities you can assume player 1 had some sort of an advantage that was greater than gold.

If your curious how much it cost to get to n scholar limit which is n + 1 cities you can use this formula.

((N%2)(CEIL(N/2)N)+(((N+1)%2)(N/2*N+N/2)) then multiply that by 50k resources that's how much should have been spent on scholar ships. Given the time it takes to buy scholar ships even with unlimited cities a player would spend hours buying scholarships once they get up there.

This actually two formulas combined one for odd scholar levels and one for even scholar levels using modulus division to use the correct one. An iPad is not the best way to type out the formula so my apologies if I had any miss taps. I'll double check it tonight.

Valor is all about numbers and skill. Coordinated guilds win because they have a combined size and coordination when compared to one player. But players that can ignore scholarship limits can grow very fast and if they join together and are active can be very hard to stop.

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Postby Brendone » Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:58 pm

Honestly, I've had the opportunity to have negative scholars before (friends going inactive but willing to keep it up for me, etc) and its usually more work for me then its been worth. The only time it may be more worthwhile is on slower speed worlds (1x resource production). On one world I currently have 137 cities, and can train 49 scholars more. If I had conquered 40 more cities by now, I could be buying scholarships even faster then I am now (1644 scholarships every 2 days). I can train these scholars at any city, and retrain them any time I take losses. Alternately I could have had a friend give me a city with 49 scholars in it and not been buying scholarships - then I could only send scholars from that city (or a limited number of cities), if my enemy snipes the scholars I can't build them back, and because I have so many scholars at one city, they will be more likely to be sniped because the escorts will have to be much smaller.

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