Defender score during support

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Defender score during support

Postby FreeEagle » Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:32 am

At the moment, the troops you killed while supporting a city of a guild member do not count towards Attacker or Defender Score.
Shall this be changed?


Postby bananabandana » Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:19 pm

Not at the moment, instead KSD goes to the owner of the city that was attacked. I understand the intuitive reason for having KSD granted to players who are using units as support, but I'd like to hear any additional thoughts/reasons you have for changing the current status as well as for keeping it the way it is.

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Postby FreeEagle » Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:06 am

As those unit kills count toward resource awards from "Quest", it is reasonable to give these awards to players with the initiative to sacrifice for guild member to defend.

There had been many cases that guild member have to rush in to support a recently captured city by other guild member, so the city won't be re-capture back.

I personally have lost over 30k troops (also killed more 40k troops) in one of those fight, and shouldn't these counts should goes to me than the city owner?

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Postby Steward » Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:07 am

I agree with free eagle.

The person who has rushed to support is taking a lot of risk and deserves to be rewarded.

But here's something else to think about while deciding who gets points. One of the weaknesses of this game is in its ability to maintain people's interest. Encouraging cooperation would increase the level of interest. So one way to increase cooperation is to give points to people who cooperate (and give gold and it would be more effective).

Also for recruiting. If you're recruiting KSD would be a good way of weeding out inactive and get to people who will actually help the guild.

I give the KSD point to the supporter would also let people know who the best players are. Right now all it tells you is who the dead players are. That's an overstatement, as we all know, but in the first month, the guy with the highest KSD also has 0 cities. Later in the world the leaders are just the biggest players who become a target for everyone.

So here's the idea for changing this. First, give the points to the supporter for the reasons above, you get to learn and admire the very best players. Second, award gold when player reach various level of scores. Why? Because good defenders and supporters should be allowed to call a truce. Imagine if you've undergone a barrage of attacks without your opponent breaking you. Man, you should be rewarded with a break if you so desire. Award enough gold for a truce kind of like a quest reward. You know all those guys who give negative feedback about your game when, "I spent 5 weeks building my city only to have some guy with 50 cities come in and wipe me out. I'm never playing this game again. 1 star because I can't give a 0!!!!" You could make it exponential hard to get to new levels to gain gold but that would be appropriate since it'll be later in the game when you hit those points so they'll also come abit more quickly.

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Postby XTMalDoran » Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:03 am

I agree that the KSD is a no brainer should absolutely be the source city. Its my time, energy and troops. Why shouldn't I get viewable credit for helping my guildmate while he is under attack?? Giving source city KSD would promote guild assistance. Granted the bulk of us know that a good guild will win you top spot, but many don't play for the guild, they play for themselves unfortunately.

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Postby FreeEagle » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:39 pm

I have just lost another 30k troops to support a guildmate being attacked by 10 players.
Any chance that this KSD system being revised soon?

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Postby Imya » Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:22 pm

A third score for support score would be nice.

I agree that the support units sacrificed should be counted for the player that lost support. It would be like having an assist in basketball.

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Postby KMT » Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:57 pm

your guildy is under attack, you send 50k troops to defend him and they get wiped while killing enemy troops.
Ksd today: your guildy under attack gets score. he is under attack so no new info to your enemy. nobody knows where support is from
Ksd for supporters: you get score and your enemy easily figures you lost troops and you are probably weak.

so what do you prefer? i prefer to support giving score to my guildy :)

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:09 pm

KMT - I never thought of it like that. Count me in for KSD going to the one who supplied troops. I would love to use that method to help identify my next target ;)

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Postby KMT » Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:23 pm

there's always ' the other side' :)
i use to support a lot. and i would like to be able to help my guildies without saying to everybody: "here!! i am here, i lost troops defending a mate!!"
so i choose KSD like it is today.
but if it changes... well i will use that info to set up my attacks ;)

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