Attacking Barbarian Cities

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Attacking Barbarian Cities

Postby Xerxes2012 » Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:16 am

I like the idea of Berzerkers being able to claim Barbarian Cities. If the idea gets refused, then instead of needing an academy and scholars to claim a Barbarian City, how about a General of the troops who can claim them? The General would be available in the Barracks for about the same amount as a scholarship. The General would be able to claim Barbarian Cities the same way a scholar does. The only way the General becomes available is when your forge reaches level 10 and your Barracks reach level 15.

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Postby Brendone » Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:20 am

Reality is so much better. Get into the beta or stay tuned. :D

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Postby KMT » Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:17 am

why not tell him? everybody knows: in beta you cap cities without scholars

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Postby Greyhigh » Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:29 am

KMT wrote:why not tell him? everybody knows: in beta you cap cities without scholars

Whhhhaaaaaa? I wonder why the change. Hopefully it is for the better. The game's livelihood was based off scholars.

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Postby KMT » Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:11 am

sorry, i meant BARB cities

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Postby Greyhigh » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:55 pm

KMT wrote:sorry, i meant BARB cities

Ah, ok, thanks for clarifying! Still, that makes everything easier. I hope PM isn't changing the game just to make it easier for noobs who whine.
Anyway, I pray that they are making these changes to Android as well. I am predicting the changes will only be on new worlds, and since Android can't join new iOS Worlds, they are probably ignoring Android completely. I just hope I'm wrong, and with this overhaul Android will get the same attention. *fingers crossed*

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Postby Brendone » Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:26 pm

I didn't know if beta features were considered hush-hush (thus the locked forum?)

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Postby Xerxes2012 » Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:40 pm

I know you can cap Barb cities in the Beta Worlds. I thought my idea was clear enough. My suggestion about the generals was for outside of the Beta Worlds, just in case Playmesh decided that they didn't want to keep the ability of Berzerkers being able to cap Barb Cities as one of their characteristics once Beta was over. I'm sure some changes will come out of the Beta Testing. My idea was to make growing faster in the other worlds, like W40, W60, W80, or W105. Everyone was saying they want a way to speed things up, well this way outside of the Beta Worlds you don't need to wait to build an academy. Again I stress this idea was for in regular worlds, not Beta Worlds.

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Postby KMT » Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:17 am

i hear you, but beta's features are supposed to be valor new features: PM started to talk about big revamp before proposing us beta world. And that huge marketing activity of lore is about those new features. So, unless testers reject new way of capping barb, we will have it after revamp. We can't do anything but wait and hope in our testers ...
BTW ever thought beta might be simply another great marketing stuff?

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