Multi-City Management

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Multi-City Management

Postby LordFirefall » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:06 pm

PwnLaw is looking to get some suggestions on multi city management. Post your ideas here. One of my biggest wants is a method of bulk purchasing scholarships. Maybe even a condition setting where my cities do it automatically, such as if they are hitting on a full warehouse, that city automatically purchases a scholarship.

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Postby Shekina » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:16 pm

I would like to see filter options when viewing my cities. Especially a regional filter.
It would also be cool to have user defined filters. Maybe the ability to set tags with cities.

I could filter with conditions to only see attack cities in my side bar. Also, filter to see only defense cities in R23.

Again, I want the ability to make my own tags. I would not mind if some were pre made.

Another feature I would like to see, that the tags could be used for, is an all city rally point that would allow to launch attacks or send support from many cities to one all at the same time. So I could send support from Shek's City 1, 3, 7 to Pwn's City 1.
Add onto this feature the ability to filter cities currently under attack.


Postby PwnLaw » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:24 pm

LordFirefall wrote:PwnLaw is looking to get some suggestions on multi city management. Post your ideas here. One of my biggest wants is a method of bulk purchasing scholarships. Maybe even a condition setting where my cities do it automatically, such as if they are hitting on a full warehouse, that city automatically purchases a scholarship.

Thanks for setting this up. I'm very interested in getting feedback from players with 50+ cities on the type of features they believe would make multi-city management This is something I am keen to tackle post launch of Trial by Sword.

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Postby LadyCrimson » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:17 pm

A better way to manage them would be extremely helpful. Time is the biggest headache when you have a large amount of cities.

Devoting an hour or more to just manage your cities become difficult. Especially when you also have a large amount of duties (crown,diplomacy etc.).

A way to manage on one page to shorten the amount of time would encourage people to take cities. Many after 50 don't even want to cap cities they just demolish them so there is no real end.

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Postby Xiaode » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:19 pm

Start with basics. Find a way to quickly refresh all city stats. Which ones have attacks. Which ones have reports.
Don't make me wait 30 seconds scrolling through each city which means 2-3 hours just to manage cities each day.
Then we can talk. :)

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Postby ThatValorPlayer » Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:08 pm

Features for sidebar I think would be great;

Filtering, allowin the ability to see cities that only match the criteria specified by player. This would makes things not only faster, but prettier. (we won't be forced to name our cities crazy codes)
-Regional filtering
-City size filter (between xx an xx)
-multiple user-defined group filters (determine troop type in each, as well as set up specific groups that cross regions/work together in timings etc.)

Each city Could have a colored 'light' for current status. Green = good, yellow = average, red = requires attention.
This could apply to many things. I'll list in my personal preference.
Building Queue
Warehouse level (full? Half full?)
Troop recruitment
Loyalty (maybe?)

Above all, I feel we need to see better storage of data. Many times I have noticed i'm loading up week old data, waiting for refresh. If app crashes, need to refresh again. This is super frustrating and has a demotivating effect.

In terms of managing attacks, perhaps a time counter page would help. List up targets and when we need to hit, and the timer shows how long until that time. Options to add notes to each time. eg reason for hit, other attackers involved, sending from which cities etc.

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Postby KMT » Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:46 am

.Sorting cities:
- by dimension of city
- by location
- by name
- by incomings
- by loyalty
- by scholars
.Mass scholarships buying
.Getting report of attacks/supports when troops land. Atm we must go to the city origin of troops to see it or wait for the attacked/supported player to download it. Same when we send resosources
.Being able to record which cities we are attacking

.LAGGING is a real pain. We need fast update on data because no improvement can really work having 30 sec to 2 minutes to wait before going to another city, to update troops in city, to download reports, to see incomings

i like the idea of being able to tag certain cities and to sort them by tag

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Postby StixsKitty » Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:16 am

I would like to see attacks in progress for all my cities on the same map. With 100+ cities I have to remember where I am farming. If I can see that and attack from one if my cities is already on progress I can select another target so I don't have as many empty hauls.

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Postby RavenKnight » Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:54 am

It would be super nice if all outgoing attacks to the same target could be listed on the same page.. Making It easier to check timing, see how many you've sent, and what's going from where..

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Postby Shekinah » Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:11 am

StixsKitty wrote:I would like to see attacks in progress for all my cities on the same map. With 100+ cities I have to remember where I am farming. If I can see that and attack from one if my cities is already on progress I can select another target so I don't have as many empty hauls.

Only problem with this is farming will be nearly impossible when Trial by Sword is released. You know how hard it is to cap, much less farm a barb! ;)
Farming players will be possible but I don't see people sticking around long if the keep getting farmed non-stop.

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