Data-entry boxes ...

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Data-entry boxes ...

Postby BoneScavenger » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:45 am

I like the new troop recruitment interface, particularly that you default to the maximum number for a given unit. More often than not, that's what I want to do. BUT, if I don't want the maximum and click on the box to enter a number, please don't put the maximum in the box as the starting point. If I don't want the maximum, it's unlikely that I just want to tweak the last number or two. Same thing goes for the box to enter coordinates. If I click on it, clear it, don't leave the current value there. If you're trying to save me keystrokes, don't make be hit the backspace every time I click on those data-entry boxes. Thx.

PS. When's the update coming that fixes the "Allies not being green" map bug?

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Postby Shekina » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:57 am

"Pending Apple Approval" - hopefully today!

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