Multi-City Management

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Brendone » Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:00 am

Notification icon in the city sidebar (city under attack, construction complete, warehouse full) linked to what your out of game notifications send you. Usually I get so many notifications overnight that when I return to game I have to go through every city to figure out which ones finished construction. Clear notifications on going to the city only.

To add to the above idea, a troop training complete notification option (can be turned off the same as the others).

Bulk scholarships. I don't care if they cost 5k more of each resource or something, make it so I can have a city list with check boxes (similar to the support in city list) only with total city population and resources on hand listed (instead of each troop type). When I check the cities off and scroll all the way down there is just a button that says "Buy all scholarships" and a pop up that says "This will spend all resources in all selected cities, continue?" and DONE!

Something better needs to happen with reports. In a magical ideal world, COMBINE support reports from multiple cities! If I have Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma all supporting Echo, and Echo gets hit 15 times, that means I have to sift through not only 15 attack reports, but also 60 more support defense reports. If I just got a support report for each hit that listed the damage to each of my supporting cities (and trust me, sometimes I'm supporting one city with 30 others so it becomes impossible to even find reports) that would be really cool.

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Postby Astril » Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:36 pm

I think Brendon's has the set of ideas I would agree with the most
It's the routine stuff that needs to be made easier especially vying scholarships and the tick all sounds great
Attack and support groupings and timing are part of the game play and if managing 100 attacks is harder it helps even it out with the smaller players

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Postby Kindlarry » Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:14 pm

Awesome! Bulk scholarships is a must.
I'd also like to see a bulk troop buys. There was a feature on auroras blessing that never worked very well.
The idea to have it buy scholarships once the warehouse maxes out sounds interesting. Maybe just have it buy 6 scholarships when the warehouse fills. My concern would be I like to build scholars in a city and then use it to kill. Automatically buying 12 could be annoying. Seems like we should have to log in and tell it to buy scholarships in all cities. Otherwise inactive players could become active again and be sittin on massive amounts of scholarships.
Thank you

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Postby He done » Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:04 am

I would like to be able to see all troops in all cities from a single screen and be able to transfer troops between cities from that screen.

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Postby Shekina » Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:04 pm

I love the idea of all troops accessible from one screen! I think that's a must!
I'd love to see a universal rally point that spans all cities.
I don't agree with the idea to transfer troops to other cities though.

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Postby Therkyn » Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:54 pm

OK, so from a 300+ city perspective - here's my pet peeves:

I would pay 50 gold per week (to cover server support costs for this feature) for a button to push that would start a process where it either gets each city in order with a progress bar at the bottom, or even one that just took over my phone and switched through each city and updated. That way I can put the phone down and come back 30 minutes later when it finally is updated for the day. I realize this would require a server call for each city, likely one at a time due to the way the phone is set up. [Aurora's Blessing does something like this on a 10 city basis, but only the first time you launch. To get it to do it again later, you must delete Valor and reinstall... not the best implementation]

Bulk Troop Recruit - Aurora's blessing tried to solve this, I can look at how many troops I have, and then I can bulk buy. But I have no idea how many I can afford to buy in which city, or how many I need. While I realize this would not fit in the current 10 city screen, the troop recruit screen must have: Current # of Troops, # of Troops you can afford to buy, Spot to put # to buy. And then the next city. Honestly, I want this on a single city basis anyway. Sure, it shows my current # of troops, but my troops are highly mobile, out defending, supporting, or attacking. I'd like to know both how many troops I have in the city as well as total troops for that city in each type on the normal recruiting page.

Bulk scholar purchase - This would fit in the current 10 city aurora's blessing template. Buy max for all as a selection button. Buy 1 at full warehouse would be a great feature, especially on vacation away from my cell... But I guess it would have to be based on clay full warehouse.

Again, the biggest deal is the ability to refresh all of my cities. I can jump through them 10 at a time to see what's important on inbounds, 10 at a time for purchases, recruiting, etc.

Bulk Building - havent tried this before. Might be nice when you're taking lots of cities, but here, if I'm able to pre-load all of the cities, its quick enough to find the cities that dont have the right # of points to get a build queue.


Postby bananabandana » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:50 am

Taking so many notes right now...

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Postby Qwerty » Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:54 am

More automatic actions would be nice, like auto scholarship purchase or auto train of desired unit.
I would also like to have zoom in/out option for map to get better idea of my surrounding area.
With 40 cities so far it takes me 15 minutes to go through cities to buy scholarships upgrade/downgrade buildings and train units. Much more if I am also sending troops to farm.
if I had 400 cities like guy above I would quit the game for sure because it would be to tiresome to do regular maintenance.

Edit: One more thing. I would like if I got all reports regardless of which city I have selected at the moment.

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Postby Aquisgran » Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:37 am

Noob tip: this may help end-game, but mid-game and prior steps would become way too easy. If you execute some of the ideas, could they be activated only when you get a determined amount of points or cities?

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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:27 pm

@ThatValorPlayer – on the notifications thing, with each city having a colored light, I think that would slow things down a lot, in exchange for that information. While it would be nice, I personally wouldn’t want to suffer anymore lag in exchange for this feature. Also, I don’t agree with the time counter for attacks and such. I can do that just fine on my own and I think that would also increase lag (and isn’t as accurate as my stop watch anyway). I definitely agree with you that something needs to be done about the lag, I just think these items could add to it.

@KMT – also would like to see reports appear when the action happens. Its extraordinarily frustrating to have to page through cities to retrieve reports.

@StixsKitty – agree it would be a good feature to see all my city actions on the map. Would make a lot of different actions easier, especially trades.

@RavenKnight – I definitely agree with seeing all outgoing attacks to the same target on one page; would make timing attacks much easier.

@Aquisgran - As far as activating it only when you get to a predetermined number of points or cities – I disagree. I prefer to use my time attacking. Any mundane stuff I can avoid is a good thing.

In general, I don’t think seeing all troops from one single screen is workable. From what I remember, Aurora’s Blessing had a lot of issues with that. I may be wrong, but I think that had to do with trying to pull in data from all the cities.

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