Defender score during support

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Postby FreeEagle » Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:59 am

In a guild when one key player falls, the rest goes together.
Yes what you said there would work, but it only applies:
1) If you can memories all the KSD of the "nearby" enemy players (Nearby could be even 6-10 hours away). This requires you to be very active to collect adequate information;
2) If you divert attack troops to the person who support, you also reduce the attacking troops on the current target. Hence, all it takes is for the supporting player to pull back troops to defense whilst the old targeted player helps out. This would actually increase the interaction between players further and make this game even more interesting;
3) Even you are so active and smart and collect enough information to find out who's in support. How do you know which city the troops came from? And which city would you choose to be your new target city? i.e. I have 25 cities in one world now and if I am supporting a player at the front line, which city out of the 25 you are going to target? or just send fakes to all which I may simply ignore?

Considering all the above, I support the change.

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Postby larlis » Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:46 am

Well thats how many people play: keeping scores of who does what in the enemy guild.
Ive always thought the supporter should get credit somehow for being an awesome guild mate but by getting KSD they would surely put a mark on their backs: ur guild targets another guild then just go into the score board and check out the ones w highest KSD (most likely the one sending support) and take those out as you would the crowns.
But Yeah playmesh, do give the player losing heaps of troops in a guildies city some coins. That would be appreciated ;)

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Postby FreeEagle » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:53 pm

Some credits for achievement would do. Not necessary coins.

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Postby KMT » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:26 am

larlis wrote:Well thats how many people play: keeping scores of who does what in the enemy guild.

yep: cities number, score, KSD, KSA and sometimes cities list. they tell us who does what, how much he plays, who is best target to hit. it requires time and somebody recording day by day or week by week. i am not talking of 25 cities: i am talking of 200- 300 cities players.
Eagle you must have a vision of the whole: i am a warlord and i have people collecting those infos: who will i target as a guild? the guy who is always supported? nope: i target the guy who always supports because if i take him down i weak his guild defence. And i will not attack him 1-1 on some cities: i will do a huge attack on all his cities with my guild, maybe allies. Or i will attack him and the guy who is always supported, it depends on my strenghts.

So again: giving KSD to supporter puts a target on his back. result will be that nobody will support his mates. Do you really want it? i think Valor is teamplaying based. If you discourage supporting guildies where is teamplaying? just organize launch time on a common enemy...

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Postby baumer » Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:53 pm

if you dont support your guildmates the whole guild dies. nobody will stop supporting because they get more ksd. just means when they become the target the player they saved earlier will retun the favor. I agree KSD should go to the city of the troops who lost their lives.

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Postby KMT » Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:51 am

i do support. always. i really do not care in reward for that: i help my guildies and that's all. my guild knows i am a good player and i love when my enemies underestimate me: it's even easier to defeat them. so why should i receive score? i am happy to not show how good i am... till i start my attacks ;)

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