Questionable World... World 100

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Postby tskk » Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:52 pm

LordFirefall wrote:Did your guild select a specific region, or just go with the default? I've done the former on many worlds and it worked well. However, going with the default yields totally random results. The other thing to remember, especially if you joined when it first opened, is there were a lot more joining than when you tested it.

haha, thanks for trying to be helpful but yes, we all chose the same region. Like said above, we are all veterans to the game.
We set the jump time to be ~10 hrs after the world came on because the w100 opening time was widely posted.
Even when i was testing out with my own two devices (a few hours later) the two accounts were placed far apart.
Tskk. w100

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Postby gemini0019 » Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:43 pm

My entire guild had no problems spawning next to each other in w100. We went by teams and each had a specific jump time. But then, my guild has alway worked like that. We get what we want because we know how to get it. That's what make us the Professionals ;-)

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Postby tskk » Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:01 pm

gemini0019 wrote:My entire guild had no problems spawning next to each other in w100. We went by teams and each had a specific jump time. But then, my guild has alway worked like that. We get what we want because we know how to get it. That's what make us the Professionals ;-)

Exactly. Thats what we did as well. Just didn't work out well for us for some reason.
We all know it's impossible to organize attacks with the entire guild (let alone guild size of 100 members in this world) WITHOUT dividing up into smaller groups. My small attack group, if you can call it that, wanted to land in a region by deciding on the jump-time. It failed and made me ask questions as to why. It stands unanswered as of now and it seems the employee's input into, what has been a great conversation, has stopped.

But time will come, when i create another thread with some other issue that needs to be discussed.

Something new that has come up within our chat rooms is the 5 gold charge for name change to newly capped cities. It had previously been that the first name change of a newly capped city was given for free. (who wants to keep a silly city name the loser had come up with anyways). I will wait a little while before making a new thread until i get more input from fellow guild members and hope this is just a bug in the game and not a permanent change.
Tskk. w100

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Postby Powerbang » Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:20 am

LordFirefall wrote:Did your guild select a specific region, or just go with the default? I've done the former on many worlds and it worked well. However, going with the default yields totally random results. The other thing to remember, especially if you joined when it first opened, is there were a lot more joining than when you tested it.

In no way am I trying to fuel any debate, I just wanted to provide some additional perspective regarding my experience with the world join algorithm, specific to world 100.

I had my crew well organized, broken up into drop groups of 25, each selecting a specific region, and also an exact time. Every single one of those groups was dropped in an organized fashion in TWO locations... Nowhere near each other.

One group landed half in north central R32 while the other half of the same drop group landed in Central R23. Another group half landed in North R21 and the other half in Southeast R12. The only consistency I could find was the immediate drops into the world obviously were near the center of R22, as the population had yet to spiral outward.

I never complained or really even mentioned this until this point, as I can appreciate "some" randomness to world drops. BUT... In 12 groups of dropping in what we hoped to be the same general area, only 2 were successful. Both of which were early and immediate drops resulting in positions in central R22. The other 10 groups were split in half, which significantly hurt our overall strategy from the beginning.

I have not experienced this "phenomenon" of seemingly random drops when everyone clicks "Join" at the same time. I understand the ending of "rows" and that may have been what happened, but having very little success with one of the most highly planned groups seemed a bit wrong.

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Postby Longhaul » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:29 pm

That is a deep convo on some of the fidliest parts of playing. You all need to step back and look at the big picture
Are u having enough fun, and I point out that u r veterans of playing and your still here!!

This is really picky. You didn't land with your mates! Boo hoo

And I only kept reading it because pwn law said everybody was in the world to get ME??

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Postby Jodamann » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:59 pm

Ive noticed the spawning algorithm has been changed since roughly world 90 - maybe coincident with smaller world size. The algorithm appears to spawn at mirror opposite sides on an alternate basis whereas before it didnt do that. My experience is by immediately joining with two devices. Also, i used to do it and then quit my initial slotted location to get an extra amulet at the beginning. But, now or since ~w90, it causes severely dislocation that appears to fill map locations on mirror opposite sides on an alternate basis.

Second, i applaud the whole playmesh team for playing. That was great fun. Heres something that i think about a lot since then (and since capping ten of their cities): i would wish that they all could play the game with 100+ cities. Then, they could experience the ire of multi-city management and hopefully neccessity would be the mother of invention. I know this is a priority for development. I believe batch commands or automated commands is the answer. I think i might pay 250 gold every few months for a manager to automatically build out all my cities to max (assume the feature lasts a week, for example).

Just my$.02

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Postby tskk » Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:00 am

Longhaul wrote:That is a deep convo on some of the fidliest parts of playing. You all need to step back and look at the big picture
Are u having enough fun, and I point out that u r veterans of playing and your still here!!

This is really picky. You didn't land with your mates! Boo hoo

And I only kept reading it because pwn law said everybody was in the world to get ME??

Rofl, you call it the "fidliest" parts of playing but it is one of the most important things to do when you join a world. First 2-3 weeks are dedicated to building up to the academy. If you are isolated from your guild mates and surrounded by the enemy guild, the world is lost for you, or you're set back the amount of time you've spent to build it. (good job playing valorville for a good part of the month)
Hence the importance of jump times. That is... assuming you don't spend thousands of dollars on gold to buy yourself resources and speed ups. (of which one guild mate already has, he had 3 cities within 2-3 days of world start.)

And perhaps, it is YOU who doesn't belong. Game developers said time and time again of how they want to make valor one of the most competitive games out there. Maybe you aren't hardcore enough.

As for fun, lets say it was more of the interaction with friends outside the game, in the chatrooms that kept us all together for awhile.
Tskk. w100

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Postby Longhaul » Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:33 pm

Tssk in rl I'm 50 and had never played an rpg in my life not even dd on a board (if you old enough to remember one). In my 1st world I made it to 50 cities and was ranked 7th on world as co leader of 2nd ranked guild before I deleted it by accident ( I still say I was on another planet when I pushed the button, but gone is gone). Maybe we were all newbies back then, I dunno but I thought I had done pretty good. And yes I lost contact with a couple of people I'd grown to like that day as well. (no kakao then, just guild chat)
It took me another couple of attempts to get passed the first few weeks and not die, and even in my current world (other than w100) I was almost wiped by the same guy twice before I found a way to fend him off so I could get past 5 cities ( now 120 and ranked 5th in largest guild, although only 32 in world. We're not newbies art more)
My point being I joined a world and made new friends, I did the same to come to 100. I get the point of jumping with friends but the words 'roll of the dice' come to mind. Find new mates out of those close, intro them to your mates etc etc.

Btw I rather think that I am pretty much the type of player that they are looking for

Ps mean no offense by 'if old enough, they WERE a long time ago

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Postby Longhaul » Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:51 pm

Pps sorry just want to make sure you don't think I'm a 'gold I likes' (sooty bad pun I know) other than qe (too important not to have) ill spend on an instant spy on a guys main city if I'm going to take him completely or if it's a 106h walk and he might get the idea I'm coming if a scout takes a day to wander over and have a look and I once bought a 2.5h speed up so academy would be finished when I woke up. Get my drift?

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Postby DirtySouthATL » Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:47 pm

Actually, i can get on board with this as our guild was to join at a certain time and certain region.... NOW typically when you join 2 minutes earlier than everyone else, you are MAYBE farther out than they are, but not in a COMPLETELY different region. Seriously, 7 of us landed in R12. The others who all joined at the same time *the ones that didn't jump the gun* somehow landed in R21 and R32. It was the most random jump i've ever seen in Valor. I mean the r12 folks were a good 9 hours from the r21 folks. That's unheard of. Just throwing that out there. (hides)

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