Android Competitions!

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Android Competitions!

Postby Orlor » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:12 pm


UPDATE: Due to demand, we are extending Competition World A11 for an additional 5 days. You are now able to join A11 through January 2, 2013.

The first ever Android competitions are starting this weekend!

Check out the news post on our website to learn more about it!

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Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:32 am

Postby davejjr » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:41 pm

Whens the next reg world comonig out?

Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:32 am

Postby davejjr » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:49 pm

I just want a reg world


Postby Orlor » Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:06 pm

davejjr wrote:Does the world end after 21 days?

The worlds A10 and A11 will continue after the competitions end. So those are the next two regular worlds.

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Postby Greyhigh » Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:10 am

Orlor wrote:Valorians!

The first ever Android competitions are starting this weekend!

YAY!! This will be fun. Time to start building more troops!

Edit: Oh, I didn't realize I have to join the new world to get in on the fun. Grrr, I'm in too many worlds, haha.

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Postby Darhorse » Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:32 am

Will there be any rewards for top ksd, ksa or kst? Points does not always show the truly best players

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Postby Greyhigh » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:25 am

If you are truly the best, you would be turning those KSA points into captured cities, in turn increase your points. :)

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Postby Darhorse » Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:56 pm

KSD hinders the growth of a city. Resource loss in troop replacements does not aid in reaching a state of conquering cities

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Postby Greyhigh » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:10 am

Which keeps their points flat, while yours increases. Points still make more sense to determine better players.

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Postby KMT » Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:51 am

i am an OS user so no android but KSA works same way: you get no info on how you are good just seeing KSA or just KSD or just KST or just points
- high KSA means you are an aggressive player or you are an inactive/barb eater: both cases you kill a lot of troops.
- high KSD means you have been targeted by your enemies and coordinated a good defence on your cities (supported by you and/or your guildies) or you got attacked by medium players who waste a lot of troops or you are simply dead in that world after being attacked for long.
- KST just sum of KSA and KSD.
- High points: good player or inactives eater or somebody who caps after friends cleanings

In my experience good players are good attackers and good in defence, while big KSA and low KSD often means an easy target - well... they are usually my first targets :)

FYI few months ago i got a silver medal during a competition in a world i quit one year ago. I still have my nice 1k town there just to see how the world is going and got rank #94 of "school 'em all". I did nothing but logging every 2 weeks: can you explain me what are these competitions for? Prizes to who build more scholars, who caps more cities who rises more KSD, KSA, KST, points... no info on how good you are, maybe how much time you spend in valor.

My personal opinion, not shared by some of my good valor friends: I really don't care. I have my own goals and i don't need PM to give me others

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