Unit specifics

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Unit specifics

Postby Stinkgips » Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:36 am

Hi all,

Just a smal question:

Are some units better to use against specific other units?

I play Tribal wars also, same as valor, but on PC. In that game lancers are stronger against horses, and sentries stronger against zerks. Other units do the same against different units.

my question is; Does this work the same in Valor?


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Postby Kagami » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:18 am

unit specifications are under in-game help
under units - units overview

and yes lancers are better against horse
sentry against footmans

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Postby Akilies » Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:02 pm

Well, if you want offensive advice then use mostly zerks since they have a very good attack for the amount of resources needed, and you can add horses to the offensive team as well.
As for defensive, use sentries against foot soldiers and lancers against mounted units because they have a high defensive rating

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