Scholar sent, then sending city conquered

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Scholar sent, then sending city conquered

Postby Charben » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:31 am

Want to know what happens if you have sent scholars to conquer a new city, but while it is travelling, the sending city is conquered by an enemy. What happens to the new city when scholar arrives?? Do you keep it, or does the enemy get it also?

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Mr. O
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Postby Mr. O » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:44 am

The city would behave as if each event occurred individually.

The player who conquered the city gets the scholar which is currently attacking. The new player would then also get the additional city IF the other scholar attack is successful.

It does all boil down to timing, as the city which sent the scholar attack would have to get captured a period of time before its own scholar attack lands, to allow the ownership to change.
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