Bunch of good ideas.

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Bunch of good ideas.

Postby jfoe1980 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:13 am

1. Make it so reports don't disappear, or update correctly after sending attack. That way you don't send 5 attacks to same city.

2. In the guild diplomacy tab only the first guild that formed alliance with you will be shown no matter what guild you pick to view.

3. Different races to pick at beginning of game. For example offensive or defensive, or troops that can build faster but weaker.

4. when looking at rally point incoming troops should show what resources they are bringing back that way you can calculate in case you may overfill your warehouse.

5. A screen like the portal that has a chart showing what cities have incoming attacks, are building, have scholars, are making scholars, and have raids out. That way you can be like oh my scholar is done, or city "A" doesn't have construction cued, or "C" is being attacked. In extension to that maybe one of these cities could be in bright red lettering if it's being attacked. As sometimes it goes unnoticed. The first thing you should see when logging on is if you are being attacked.

6. Just for fun weather might be fun. Like pick a city and depending on weather that time of year maybe it will be snowing or raining, and possibly that could increase troop movement time.

7. Ability to upgrade market so merchants carry more and/or move faster.

8. A drop down menu in market to select a city of yours to send resources to. It's annoying when you accidentally send resources to a barbarian city.

9. Make it so you can build more farms. For example you can demolish the forge or even never build resources and use that as farm land, instead of skimming off a few worker farm slots. You can cap the troop count pretty fast. Large armies would make the game more exciting as you could focus on one massive army instead of a buch of smaller ones. Since you can send all def from all cities to def one city it makes sense to be able to make massive attacking forces.

10. Robbers stats. Who robbed the most this day, week ,month. Entire server.


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Postby jfoe1980 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:54 pm

I forgot to add that the rally point movement information should be abbreviated so you can see the coordinates. Ever attack just says barbarian city... it should say for example AOBC (23,45) so you can read it all. AOBC = attack on barbarian city

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Postby Fire820 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:06 pm

1. It deletes them because of server space. You could delete them yourself to keep the ones you want. And if the reports are incorrect, you should send in a support ticket.

2. Not following you. Why would you only want to see obe diplomacy.

3. This has been suggested many times. But it's been shot down each time. I believe even an employee said it would upset the balance.

4. Just look at the report.

5. I agree cities under attack should be more easily accessible. But I don't see any point in the rest. As far as all the different things on one page, too much organization is confusing.

6. Again, I don't see a point in this. It wouldn't add much too the game. Seems like it'd be more of a nuisance than anything else.

7. Full market carries 100k resources. Always been plenty for me. And I believe travel times should stay the same. Only change them based on world stats.

8. I totally agree with this one. Only thing is if you have cities with the same name, it'd be confusing as to which city to send to unless you have name and coordinates on the menu.

9. No. You have to get creative. And if you want more farms, cap more cities. Plus it takes more skill to coordinate 10 waves than 1. And I'd rather defend 10 smaller waves than 1 huge wave.

10. I don't like it. It might encourage more competition. But I don't the payoff would be worth it. They'd have to update it constantly. And for it to truly encourage competition, an incentive would have to be offered. At this point, it's too much like the competitions that they're trying to start running again. And for the whole thing, it'd turn into a "biggest farmer" competition. And while that is along the lines of the revamp, that is not the goal at all.

Thanks for reading!

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Postby jfoe1980 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:58 pm

Fire820 wrote:1. It deletes them because of server space. You could delete them yourself to keep the ones you want. And if the reports are incorrect, you should send in a support ticket.

2. Not following you. Why would you only want to see obe diplomacy.

3. This has been suggested many times. But it's been shot down each time. I believe even an employee said it would upset the balance.

4. Just look at the report.

5. I agree cities under attack should be more easily accessible. But I don't see any point in the rest. As far as all the different things on one page, too much organization is confusing.

6. Again, I don't see a point in this. It wouldn't add much too the game. Seems like it'd be more of a nuisance than anything else.

7. Full market carries 100k resources. Always been plenty for me. And I believe travel times should stay the same. Only change them based on world stats.

8. I totally agree with this one. Only thing is if you have cities with the same name, it'd be confusing as to which city to send to unless you have name and coordinates on the menu.

9. No. You have to get creative. And if you want more farms, cap more cities. Plus it takes more skill to coordinate 10 waves than 1. And I'd rather defend 10 smaller waves than 1 huge wave.

10. I don't like it. It might encourage more competition. But I don't the payoff would be worth it. They'd have to update it constantly. And for it to truly encourage competition, an incentive would have to be offered. At this point, it's too much like the competitions that they're trying to start running again. And for the whole thing, it'd turn into a "biggest farmer" competition. And while that is along the lines of the revamp, that is not the goal at all.

Thanks for reading!

What I am saying in #2 is that when you accept alliances under the diplomacy tab you can see all the alliance guilds. But for some reason if I say want to contact leader in guild "B" and I accepted Guild "A" as a alliance first when I click on guild "B" it brings up the page for guild "A". and no matter how many guilds I form alliance with I can never view their page unless I find them manually on the map, or have one of those mails that disappear when filled up, hence the archive page.

And as for the organization of the city construction, scholars, and attacks how is being organized confusing? What's confusing is looking through 20 cities manualy looking for attacks, scholars, and what's finished being built. Sure would save a lot of time. There is a similar chart in travian and I couldn't live without it when I played. You load the chart up on the main screen, and you see exactly what city you need to attend to first. It only makes sense when you start to have many cities, and attacks.

One of the most important things I forgot is that you ned to be able to turn off all push notifications, and only enable one for attacks. That way when I know I get a notification I better look at it.

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Postby jfoe1980 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:01 pm

and you say look at the report instead of having a rally point with incoming troop and resources, but they disappear! That is exactly why there needs to be a archive. I send out normally 20 scouts out at a time, and by the time they all come back I would lose anything I have. So basically I have to raid slower just to be able to read reports.

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Postby Pmpnjomama » Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:00 pm

I think #3 is a cool idea. It could be set on only certain servers maybe. It wouldn't upset the balance, it would only change it. You still have to adjust the numbers to balance it.
#6 if only for visuals would be cool also.

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Postby Fire820 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:19 am

As for the diplomacy, why would you even want that?

For the organization, maybe have a list that you can choose from with the different options you mentioned? I thought you were talking about all of them at once, and that would bring up the question of which one is most important.

For notifications, unless I'm mistaken, you already can do that.

For the reports, what is the limit? I know it's more than 20. I think it's somewhere between 100-200 reports. But I do admit that an archive would be nice if it included normal mailings. I'd love to be able to keep old conversations I deem necessary.

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