Reaching out to all Android players

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Postby Aethlstan » Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:38 pm

Sorry for the errors in my post, writing and editing a long post from your phone makes it hard to catch all the oops.

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Postby Greyhigh » Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:44 am

AceDragon wrote:Thanks for help.
Anyone else. Still can't find out how to turn off notifications.

If you are running the newest Android version, go into your Application Manager. Click on the app, and there is a check box to turn off Notifications. I usually like notifications, but they seem to notify me too much about wrong information, so I disabled them.

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Postby Greyhigh » Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:50 am

If you have the S3, you can turn off notifications (see above post).
That was a nice long vent you wrote. Although it would be nice to have updates, and the game running smoother, I also realize the game is FREE. Buying gold is an option, and I never have needed to do it. If you don't like the game, it cost you nothing to play it, and nothing to leave it. I don't think an essay of a rant will really help anything with getting the Android version closer to what iOs has.
Although the Android version has its flaws, the game works, and the few bugs and things I would like to have don't affect me taking cities, and making noobs cry.

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Postby Aethlstan » Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:54 pm

What you fail to realize, greyhigh, is that they still need people to play this game to make money. People do not want to play a dysfunctional game. Those people wont ever buy gold or bring their friends in on the game. For example, ive recruited 5 people to this game that otherwise wouldnt have played. They have since bought gold.

You cant use the whole "this game is free so quit whining spiel...because Valo loses revenue for every player that leaves or decides not to waste their time on a game with so many glitches. Ever wonder why there seems to be a much higher rate of Lordbunchanumbers players that never get past 2k on android? Its because the current version is confusing and dysfunctional. Players who have played valor on Apple are inconvienenced and they have to change their strategies. a
Lot of New players who dont know how awesome this game COULD be wont waste their time or money trying to figure out a way to get around all the bugs and glitches in the way of smooth gameplay. Theyll just jump to a different game. Maybe they would have spent gold on this game...or maybe their friend that they introduced to the game would spend money on it. Either way, they lose revenue.

Yes this game is free. TECHNICALLY. But Valor needs to make some money. Android is a huge market for Valor. The valor team is ****ing off its android playerbase and missing out on revenue by refusing to care about theirbandroid platform. Which I see as a bad marketing desicion, since Apple is on a downward slide whike Android is on the rise. It would be smart not to shun a community that one day could be larger than their apple community.

So, Valor is losing my occasional gold purchases. I know a few other players who are finishing up their worlds and quitting as well. Some veterans, some rookies. Those players bought gold from time to time too. So you if there are 4 of us leaving, and we may have spent $10 bucks every 2-3 months, thats $40-60 bucks per player per year, or $160-$240 total per year they are losing. Thats not much...but when you consider the very small Android world populations, (that being due to a high amount of new players not staying to play) thats a lot of lost revenue when you consider hundreds or thousands of players leaving.

I love this game...and was delighted to find it on android when I jumped off the apple bandwagon. But if playmesh wont deliver, i wont stay. And that means they lose my money.


Postby Luominosity » Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:44 pm

Fellow Android Players:

Thanks for the thoughtful discussion. @Aethlstan - your points are all valid, and I am sorry we have not been as communicative over the holiday break and new year. The idea to do recurring updates is a good one – we will start a new thread that Orlor will manage and update on a bi-weekly (or thereabout) basis. In the meantime, here's a general update:

As Aethlstan observed, Trial By Sword (iOS) was a large endeavor for us, one that required an enormous amount of front-end and back-end resources. This is something that we had been working on since this past summer, even before we began to ramp up Android. We promised to deliver TBS by the holiday season and worked very hard to deliver on that.

Much of the work that we did for TBS on iOS is transferable to Android, and that's exactly what we plan to do. As I mentioned in my first post, the goal is eventually to unify the two platforms with near or full feature parity. To best accomplish this task, we took the time to staff up our Android team with some of the best talent available (we're very picky about our engineers). Our team is now complete, and we’re full steam ahead.

This week, we'll be pushing out an update with fixes to troop limitation as well as auto account transfer. Next week, an update of the leaderboard that includes regional and guild rankings will be available.

The big thing that we're working towards in the mid-term is city scrolling (or tabbing as it's sometimes referred to) by page, e.g. scrolling through multiple cities while staying on the recruit page. Along with this, you will notice a significant increase in game performance specifically targeted to reduce lag during city switching.

We have many other things in the pipeline that we're excited about, but I'll leave some of that for our new updates post :)

Battle on,

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Postby Payberto » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:26 am

Im trying to move my valor on IOS to Galaxy Note II but im stuck, cant open on my android device and im lost.

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Postby Greyhigh » Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:15 am

Then leave Aethlstan and stop QQ all over the forums. They know what has to be fixed, and your "threats" to leave doesn't make anything move faster.
@Luominosity; Thanks for the update and I can't wait to see the new updates!

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Postby Aethlstan » Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:22 am

Greyhigh, not sure what exactly that means, but since you didnt understand how this game makes money I decided to explain it to you. It was a rebuttal to your point. Now please dont tell another person to hop off the forums, thats very` rude...

the forums are here for feedback. I gave it to them. If you have a problem with that then i dont know what to tell you.

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Change of device

Postby MacGuiness » Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:51 am

Hi Luominosity

I am a Valor player since months ago (i forgot, but enough, lol) I don´t know if this is the correct, so i play in ipod touch (last generation) and the game continuosly stwich down at any instruction. This occurr since a was under more than 150 attack (still live like you can see, lol). Ok, the question is i can change to install valor in a sony-ericsson X-peria with android, and how can i do it with the same current account!!

Is very difficult for me to play, rebuild troops, upgrade builds, and so one. At the moment i am not under attack, but i am a little afraid if the attacks incoming and valor doesn´t work well. Ahhhh, isn´t a internet conection problem.

Thanks for all

Luominosity wrote:Let me begin by saying thank you for your commitment to Valor. I feel very fortunate that we have such steadfast and passionate players. Please keep the feedback coming.

A few general thoughts on where we are, and where we're planning to go:

All of your suggestions, including the feature lists by Aethistan and lordrickard7 (tip of my hat to you sirs), have been internalized and we're working hard to put them into our development pipeline. Currently, our first order of priority is to make sure that the game is stable and scalable. We recently opened up Valor Android to a global audience allowing conquerers from all over to join in the savagery, and as such will soon hit a period of rapid growth in the number of players. I am deeply focused on making sure that as we grow, we can maintain and surpass our current level of quality.

After ensuring scalability, we will work on the features that enhance playability (like city scrolling). Features that help "equalize the playing field with iOS" (such as Twitter rewards, Competitions etc.) will certainly make it in, but will take a bit longer. The rationale is that in order to ensure the best experience for the largest number of Android players (whether with previous iOS experience or not), we need to first focus on the more basic elements of the game.

However, I don't want to have our "older" players be discouraged. Instead of thinking about how to compete with players in the older iOS worlds, I would look at this as an opportunity to establish yourselves as the dominant force in early Android worlds. We have active players on the iOS side who have been playing since (and still play in) World 3. Just as they have become legends and heros within the Valor circles, so too will you have the chance on the Android side.

With that thought, I challenge those of you who are already Valor masters - build your armies, recruit the enthused but inexperienced noobs, and CONQUER YOUR WAY TO GLORY. Help us grow Android so that one day, when we decide to rejoin our fruit-loving brethren, we will be a force to be reckoned with!

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Postby Lowsideslide » Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:02 pm

To begin, Thank you for addressing our concerns and tolerating all of the ridiculous raving and keyboard courage here.
I am an avid player now and thoroughly enjoy the product you provide to us. With that being said, there are a few minor improvements that would greatly help.
The first of which seems to have been addressed which is the city scrolling. Thank you and I look forward to seeing that update shortly.
The second is the guild functionality. As a crown I can not see requests nor edit our main announcements or introductions either. These would be marked improvements if possible to put in place.
Third. Perhaps a city management app of some sort. I would gladly pay additional for a seperate app that would help manage my builds and troops and even a battle planner or map. I have around 70 cities in one world at the moment and it can be difficult to manage.
Thanks again for all your hard work.

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