W125 - Really?!?!?!

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W125 - Really?!?!?!

Postby FlyingHigh » Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:42 pm

I believe W125 is one of the first 1k worlds in the new format. The world was exciting at first and here we are 6 - 8 weeks later with just a bunch of 1085 cities and a smattering of non-guilded players up to maybe 1,500 points that are not in our guild. It has become mundane and certainly not "entertainment". And for what? The prize has never been clarified by Playmesh...

Everyone in our guild is asking the same questions:

1) Why can't Playmesh clarify what the prize is?

2) Why do we need to eliminate all other players when most of these little 1085 cities are not in a guild? ...in fact, why would we need to eliminate any player who is "un-guilded"? "Last guild standing" should mean exactly what it says.

3) The majority of these little cities we have watched for the last 30 days. No point changes. Why are they not being scrubbed off the map? We know of a few players who we talk to in other worlds and they claim they have not logged into W-125 for over 30 days, yet their cities remain

4) We have most definately won this world - there are no remaining actives - just a ton of these little cities. Why should it be expected that we eliminate all of them? And for what prize? There is a point at which Playmesh must agree "we've won". We have been beyond that point in W-125 for weeks!

Hoping somebody with Playmesh listens and makes this new format more exciting not only from the beginning (it is), but through to the end (it isn't).


Postby bananabandana » Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:59 pm

The Prizes have been clearly stated here. To spell them out quickly for you, each member of the victorious guild gets:

-A New Title
-A spot in the guild world, where the best guilds from conquerable barb worlds compete.

The victory conditions that have been given serve a number of purposes.

1) Any player can make a guild, so causing the win condition to be destroy all rival guilds would potentially have the same issues of people trying to look around for players who just decided to restart and make a guild. Having the requirement be to eliminate all players by taking over all Lord-type cities is the clearest, most definite way to define global domination.

2) This extended period gives the winning guild time to celebrate its victory before the world closes, as well as time to strategize their entry into the next world or even the guild world. Kakao will most likely serve this purpose, but we wanted to provide that time in the game as well.

3) There currently is a bug concerning inactivity in the game, where cities that have been inactive for over 30 days will not disappear until they are attacked. Try sending an attack at the city that has been inactive, and, if the user really has not logged in to that world in the past 30 days, it should disappear.

The primary target of these conquerable barbarian worlds was to create more early-midgame tension, which prior to Trial by Sword, there was virtually none. That said, we are looking at the flow/results of conquerable barb worlds very carefully, and you can expect additions and adjustments in future worlds.

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Postby FlyingHigh » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:10 pm

OK - first, the prize page you defined has changed, but thank you for clarifying what we can expect. To be frank, that is disappointing as everyone was expecting some gold... So you are saying for going through an interminably long boring period (where we are at right now), we get a title? ...and some future game invite? I'll let everyone know in W125 and other 1k worlds (W140) where I am playing, but I suspect they will feel like me - pretty lame....

As far as #1 and #2, I hope I have been clear - first, everyone in my guild is complaining that we won several weeks ago and this "mop up" period - which could last for several months - is incredibly boring and mundane - definately not entertainment. We have already celebrated. We don't need more celebration time I can assure you that.

Finally as to #3 - if you can fix the bug, that would be helpful. We have already tried attacking a few with no results. ...but more importantly - change your victory conditions to something that really makes sense because right now, it stinks.

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Postby Sirboland » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:39 pm

I agree, I'm a little dissatisfied of the prize.. Thought I would be raking in some gold.. But I guess that life.

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Postby XSquircleX » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:54 pm

Ok.... I am in w125 also and i am utterly disappointed. It would take you 5 mins to look at the world and notice that our guild owns the whole map aside from 1085 cities which keep appearing. Our guild has over 6million points... Even if all the 1085 players suddenly decided to make a guild together... Who the hell cares. We Have Won!! So let us have it already.

As for the prize. WOW! I couldn't be more dissapointed. When you released trial by sword i thought it was awesome being able to have winnable worlds fast! But if we dont even get some gold.. The gold that costs $5.50 to buy 5 tickets for a speed world... What is the point? Unless this is changed i most certainly won't look forward to playing valor again.

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Postby Sirboland » Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:50 pm

My guild has 8m in W129 :O, Squircle, Just have fun playing, Why do you need to win in-game cash to have money?

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Postby FlyingHigh » Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:57 pm

I believe Squircle is disappointed because there were higher expectations for the "prize". ...and it seems pointless to spend months mopping up llittle 1085 point cities when we have clearly won the world - there is nobody else except these little cities - it's not a matter of points, it that there is no challenge anymore...

I love the comment about the prize in W140 - one of my mates says "Wow... a title and an invite to future guilded world... is there a prize for winning the future guilded world or just another title? ...I feel like we just played the lotto without knowing the prize and when we win, we get another lottery ticket for another unknown prize.. can anyone say: string them along!"

...well put and there is a complete sigh of utter disappointment. I hope Playmesh will reconsider the absurd "victory conditions" and the lame prize...

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Postby Sirboland » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:01 pm

Well, There are alot of winners, There cant be to much prizes

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Postby Bane554 » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:19 pm

Honestly i think that getting a new title and invite to a special guild world is good and enoulgh. sure getting gold or something would be nice, but you could never even win a wolrd before the new trial by sword worlds came out, and you would just fight in them till you die, quit, or have hundreds of cities. Im very happy with the prizes that are set, my only concern is that I think Quark games does need to go through the worlds and award victories the guilds who have eliminated all other guilds and are clearly victorious.

in my world we have clearly won but there area few big players left to take out, so we plan to finish them and then get the deserved win. After a bit if we wold have to start taking out players with even 1 decent city, or like 2 barely actives in a guild together, that's where it gets unreasonable.
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Postby Sirboland » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:27 pm

our sister is 80k then guild we are killing is 30k which is like 1k per person.. then 20k,, No competition.

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