W125 - Really?!?!?!

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Postby PwnLaw » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:48 am

I'm not unsympathetic to the viewpoint regarding a desire to have the worlds wind down faster, but there are tremendous costs (administrative, technological, financial) associated with what I would view as a minor gain to the efficiency of the world. I believe we've made a reasonable trade off for players so they can have an appropriate win condition.

That isn't to say that this will be the only way to win a world for ever and ever. We have thoughts and ideas on other game modes, but those will need to come after we've spent the next few months working on Valor's infrastructure and multi-city management.

We're hoping to begin running victory condition sweeps for Trial By Sword worlds in the near future (as early as tomorrow, depending on our testing process).

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Postby MyName999 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:49 am

FlyingHigh wrote:I believe Squircle is disappointed because there were higher expectations for the "prize". ...and it seems pointless to spend months mopping up llittle 1085 point cities when we have clearly won the world - there is nobody else except these little cities - it's not a matter of points, it that there is no challenge anymore...

I love the comment about the prize in W140 - one of my mates says "Wow... a title and an invite to future guilded world... is there a prize for winning the future guilded world or just another title? ...I feel like we just played the lotto without knowing the prize and when we win, we get another lottery ticket for another unknown prize.. can anyone say: string them along!"

...well put and there is a complete sigh of utter disappointment. I hope Playmesh will reconsider the absurd "victory conditions" and the lame prize...

My opinion is that it's a game, not an invest. Quark is not obligated to give us anything for being good. I like this game and have fun playing it; if I get something because I did good things playing a world, I'm happy because didn't played in order to earn anything...

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Postby MyName999 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:51 am

PwnLaw wrote:I'm not unsympathetic to the viewpoint regarding a desire to have the worlds wind down faster, but there are tremendous costs (administrative, technological, financial) associated with what I would view as a minor gain to the efficiency of the world. I believe we've made a reasonable trade off for players so they can have an appropriate win condition.

That isn't to say that this will be the only way to win a world for ever and ever. We have thoughts and ideas on other game modes, but those will need to come after we've spent the next few months working on Valor's infrastructure and multi-city management.

We're hoping to begin running victory condition sweeps for Trial By Sword worlds in the near future (as early as tomorrow, depending on our testing process).

My purposal, in order not to bore any player in the winning guild, is that:
1. Winning guild conditions could only come after 30 days a world is opened.
2. Winning guild will be having more than 10x points compared to addition of points of guilds 2-10...

Because none look forward to invade hundreds of <5k cities !!!

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Postby roadrash8414 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:12 am

Lots of good points here, but here's the point. Currently the top guild has the top of the leaderboard. Our guild board matches the leaderboard. The next active player from the leaderboard is a respawn that currently has a city with 1097 points.

Quarkgames (nice rebrand), total domination is a bit extreme. It might have been wise to run this thing past beta testers as well rather than sending it past live players in the wild. My suggestion would be a percentage. The fact is, we'd still have to do the cleanup we're doing, but hopefully on a smaller scale.

The prize seems to be another point of contention, to which I reply, "Meh." It would be nice to get something in gold for winning, but I never expected it. In the end I'm just happy that there is a win condition now.

Keep up the good work, but please tweak the win conditions so that a guild that owns a world doesn't have to spend months cleaning up respawns. Much appreciated.


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Postby Sirboland » Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:29 am

Agreed with Bane, I would love a prize for winning, But as long as there is a prize for speed worlds im ok with it, Glad to see that we still have winnable worlds... If people quit cause low prizes,, Thats kinda disappointing.. Just win and start a new world//

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Postby FlyingHigh » Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:19 am

FFS peeps - forget the prize - that was never the main issue of this post.

The main issue is that in W125, we have our guild and then around 500 1085 cities. To "win" this world on the "victory conditions", we need to take out all those cities. So we are faced with months of no competition, just farming scholorships, making nerds, hitting these little inactives. ...then they respawn and we have to hit them again. Is anybody listening? The excitement of actually conquering everyone in the world except these hundreds of little inactive cities has been replaced by surprise and frustration and the ridiculour "victory conditions".

Everyone in our guild cannot believe we would have to go through months of mundane mop up to conquer this world. Each player will need to conquer 40 - 50 little cities that should have been erased off the map weeks ago. I know that personally I would rather watch paint dry, or grass grow - it would be FAR more interesting. Until you are at the point our guild is at in W125 you probably can't understand why this would be an issue - but you will if you play one of these worlds (and don't get wiped). And I thought Playmesh should hear this feedback. ....unfortunately, the answer is "we are OK with things as they are" - rather then look at myriad different potential solutions that would not be manual.

Bye Bye Valor.

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:59 am

BananaBandana mentioned there is an issue with removing inactives right now, and that they are working on it. Don't expect a fix overnight, or expect PwnLaw to change the rules of the game at the drop of a hat. Your world isn't the only one of the TBS ones approaching an end, and he has to look at those as well, instead of making arbitrary decisions at the request of 1 guild, on 1 world.

Rather than getting dramatic about things and saying you and your guild are going to quit, I suggest you focus on a few crucial points:

1 - These are the first worlds that are winnable. All the other ones are still going on.
2 - Anything new will have kinks, programmers and game developers don't fix things over night - otherwise, they frequently end up with more bugs than improvements.
3 - Whether you agree with him or not, the Game Lead is actually taking the time to explain his reasoning. What other games do that?

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Postby FlyingHigh » Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:07 am

I don't expect anything "Lord" - I am just reporting the news. Re-read Pawn's post - basically it says that they won't change the victory conditions. For that reason, we are all looking for a new game. Nobody wants to spend months taking out little 1085 cities - bug or no bug - and I LOVE the comment "be patient, they are working on it". Dude, I've played Valor since the beginning - several years. I have heard that comment about the other big problem with the game - lag. If it takes more then two years to fix that (it just keeps getting worse, not better), I'm wondering how long it will take to fix the bugs BananaFandango mentioned. :-) ...and I think I have said ad nauseum that "theoretically" you are correct - ANY world is winnable - but there was an expectation that once you got to the point our guild is at in W125, we would have been considered victors rather then having to slog through months of boring BS. If this sounds dramatic to you, then that's too bad - I am just reporting the news. ...and remember, we are the canary in the coalmine - the first to get to this point as far as i can tell - this issue will not go away. When my guild in W140 read this post, the discussion turned to "what other games can we play". These are peeps I've been playing with since W40. Is that dramatic? ...no, that is just honesty... ...and I'm being honest that my days of spending dollars on this game are over. Too many other cool games out there. Cheers!

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:36 am

Many of us have been playing for years (I started in W26). However, I've been playing Internet war games since the times of 300 baud modems.

The majority of changes made in the last mine months have vastly improved the game. Based on what PwnLaw has said in many threads, as well as discussions with Beta Testers, GuildMasters, and others, many other issues we complain about are already specced and being worked. As far as this issue going away, I would bet that its fixed in the next 2-3 weeks. Granted, that may seem like an eternity for some folks, but as I said before, you can't expect things to happen overnight.

That being said, only you and your guild can make your decision to stay or go. My guild and I will be sticking around to see how it plays out.

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Postby Dieformason » Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:33 pm

I find that the win condition is perfect to say the least! As most of the gold titles are not easy to get, the few weeks of grace period will allow you to do so. For example: cap 50 barb cities or trade 1 million resources. And seeing as how there will be no resistance you shouldn't even be complaining! Maybe your guild members would like to get their titles before moving on.

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