W125 - Really?!?!?!

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Postby Bane554 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:16 am

like Dieformason said if the world just ends then people may be close or workign for more medals, and they wont be able to get them. This is obv not a problem or a big deal, ad title dont matter to much. but maybe when a guild does actually win a world, it should not just stop, so players can finish up titles or just have little 1v1 or mess around. so i hope that when guilds do win, the world can go on as normal and people can choose to just leave or stay like normal, but of course the guild and players who won get the victory for the world so it is still concluded, just a free roam sort of thing for the victors to play aroound in if they wish

I saw what you said about getting gold trading medal and was inspired, thought i did not want to write a wall of text on this pose because its not about titles really but winning worlds and clean up duty being not so fun... So if your interested in getting gold trading medal look here =D


hope that works, otherwise copy paste in browser navigation search thing if your interested...

cool it works, and wow i just wrote a lot. Its late and my mind is wandering lol... And I love getting the titles in this game, and have a decent collection. So maybe others can help me figure out how to get more, or maybe i can help you get more yourself.
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Postby KMT » Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:14 am

While waiting for MCM i read valor forum and blogs: this is an interesting discussion for me because i chose to stay in my old worlds and did not enter any after w100.
I read winning conditions when PM released TBS: Last Guild Standing. Cool and easy to understand: a guild wins when no other GUILD has living members. At least this is what i was thinking: lonely players do not count because they are not in a guild. Did i read it wrong?

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Postby FlyingHigh » Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:00 am

I never said the world should "end" - I said that in order to be declared the "victors" - you are expected to take out EVERY SINGLE LITTLE PLAYER whether they are in a guild or not. KMT - read through the post - look at "victory conditions" - those few of us who have made it to the point of eliminating everyone but the 500 - 600 little 1085 cities are incredibly disappointed. We are expected to slog through months of having to cap these little cities. This is not entertainment. Most of the comments here saying it's "no big deal" are not at the point our guild is at in W125 - so they do not understand or are just Playmesh suckups. I don't know any player in both W125 and W140 where I play that think the "victory conditions" make sense... We'll just leave the world and figure we conquered it whether Valor says that or not - but it was an empty and hollow promise on Valor's part IMHO. ...and not worth playing anymore...

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:23 am

When a victory is called, the world ends. Simple as that. Dieformason and Bane have valid points on the medals. I assume this is one of the many things that Quark takes into consideration. So, call it sucking up, or not understanding, but realize there are more perspectives out there than just your's and your guild's.

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Postby FlyingHigh » Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:26 am

"Lord" - when you get to the end of a 1k world like W125 and start having to mop up hundreds of little cities - THEN - come back and let us know how you feel. Until then, STFU - seriously - you don't know what you are talking about.

As for medals - that one also made me laugh - take a poll of a guildy who has actually gotten to the end of a world and is faced with what we are faced with - ask THEM what they think. I talk to my guildies every day in kakao in several worlds - I can assure you that none of them are wanting to continue slogging through a pointless mop up for any kind of medal. They are not celebrating. They are upset at Playmesh or Quark or whoever has set the ridiculous victory conditions. Not one dissenter.

...so... yes there are many opinions, but IMHO the ones that count most are from those that are actually in the game and at the point where we are - NOT armchair quarterbacks... And the few that weighed in on this thread that are in W-125 all said the same thing - they don't like it. On Kakao this morning for W-125 the word "boring" has been posted about a dozen times. Everyone is bored and moving on.

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:19 am

Again, there are more perspectives out there than just yours. There are about 10 worlds coming close to ending, so you're not the only one out there.

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:27 am

I don't work for Quark, but I do talk to other GuildMasters:


This isn't the only place this issue has been discussed.


Postby Orlor » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:31 am

This is a place where every player is allowed to state their constructive opinion or thoughts on Valor.

Please keep this civil.

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Postby FlyingHigh » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:38 am

Lord - saying "I play valor a lot and talk to other peeps that do as well" does not change anthing about this thread. I know people in W125 and about 6 worlds up to W140 where I also play. To my first hand knowledge, there is no world like W125 where every single player outside our guild that has more then 1200 points has been eliminated. ...and you are not in a world that is at that point either. IMHO you are an armchair quarterback offering your opinion about a situation that you have not been in first hand. When you get there someday, I suspect you might have a different opinion - we'll see... I don't know many players whould would look forward to months of conquering 1085 point cities...

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Postby Sirboland » Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:05 pm

FlyingHigh wrote:Lord - saying "I play valor a lot and talk to other peeps that do as well" does not change anthing about this thread. I know people in W125 and about 6 worlds up to W140 where I also play. To my first hand knowledge, there is no world like W125 where every single player outside our guild that has more then 1200 points has been eliminated. ...and you are not in a world that is at that point either. IMHO you are an armchair quarterback offering your opinion about a situation that you have not been in first hand. When you get there someday, I suspect you might have a different opinion - we'll see... I don't know many players whould would look forward to months of conquering 1085 point cities...

Well, My guild in 128, has enough scholars available to probably take almost every guy.. But its kinda boring so we are just building our cities.. Probably take it next week.
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