W125 - Really?!?!?!

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Postby FlyingHigh » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:17 pm

LOL - seriously Lord... Did you read Powerbang's reasonable solution? Any comment on THAT?

As a final comment before I drift into the sunset - I hope the game designers listen and do something about this issue to make these new worlds and the overall game more enjoyable - after all that is their mission and is how they enhance revenue. As a programmer, it would take me 10 minutes to look at a world as PB has suggested and clean up some of the bugginess that drove this post in the first place and to make a reasonable determination of "victory". Pawn did make the comment that they would have to hire more people to do this but I think any technical person would disagree wtih this - and I'm sure you have a different opinion about that but let's just agree to disagree.

Be flexible and receptive to change is my mantra in my company and I hopee the Valor designers listen, adapt, refine and put out a product that us coiners want to spend coin on. It is never too late to right a mistake. Cheers!

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Postby Leroyingo » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:56 pm

On the you tube video done by PwnLaw about the victory conditions it mentioned that when a world starts for the first week and player that has been inactive for more than 3 days will be removed from world and so will their towns.

A simple solution to our issue and maybe in other worlds is change that condition to any city <1500 (or <1200) who is inactive for 3 days at any point of the world be booted and have city removed. It looks like most the new people who are joining our 'finished' world join and see that they have no chance and dont build their city and dont abandon the world. This would seriously help cleanup. Rather than having to wait 30 days for them to be removed, only in the mean time to have another 100 start the world to then have to wait another 30 days......

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Postby Powerbang » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:06 pm

FlyingHigh wrote:LOL - seriously Lord... Did you read Powerbang's reasonable solution? Any comment on THAT?

As a final comment before I drift into the sunset - I hope the game designers listen and do something about this issue to make these new worlds and the overall game more enjoyable - after all that is their mission and is how they enhance revenue. As a programmer, it would take me 10 minutes to look at a world as PB has suggested and clean up some of the bugginess that drove this post in the first place and to make a reasonable determination of "victory". Pawn did make the comment that they would have to hire more people to do this but I think any technical person would disagree wtih this - and I'm sure you have a different opinion about that but let's just agree to disagree.

Be flexible and receptive to change is my mantra in my company and I hopee the Valor designers listen, adapt, refine and put out a product that us coiners want to spend coin on. It is never too late to right a mistake. Cheers!

I can guarantee you that the Devs are listening.

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Postby Benfrom300 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:37 am

lol there is too muchhate on this thread, it went from people asking questions to people being at each others throats.. there are forum rules for a reason and u need to abide by them or the orlor will ban u 

try to keep it civil and if u guys want to argue do it in kakao in a 1:1 please the community doesnt need to see this bickering.

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Postby Benfrom300 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:38 am

Luciphron wrote:lol there is too muchhate on this thread, it went from people asking questions to people being at each others throats.. there are forum rules for a reason and u need to abide by them or the orlor will ban u 

try to keep it civil and if u guys want to argue do it in kakao in a 1:1 please the community doesnt need to see this bickering.

fyi those sqaures are fists punchin u :D

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Postby ThatValorPlayer » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:07 am

I'm currently in clean up mode in 124, have been for a couple weeks now.

It's not ideal to say the least, but I'm not about get up and quit the game because of it. These are new elements we haven't had the luxury of using before. It will take time to improve them and knock out all the kinks.
┏( -_-)┛..::LtFarrk::..┗(-_- )┓

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Postby An0n1mus » Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:46 pm

I tried to understand all the posts here. i especially appreciate the few ideas that would solve this problem in these new worlds.

I would like to raise a couple of ideas - if they have been suggested, i apologize as my English isnt so good.

1) Last guild standing: I think in a world where there is only one guild, should suffice to end up. So many players start, play for a bit, don't join guild then quit. I have seen that these players should go away - but we are not seeing that in W125... It was said they would go away if attacked - still not true in all cases. Please Quark - take the time to look at our world and see for yourself.

2) Start over: Why?
I think after 20 days off you should be gone. many players get capped, restart, then sign in once a week cause they are mad. Bit dont grow. They are not in guild. Why do we need to bother with them? This is a big hole on the new game.

3) Points: if there is a considerable difference in points between two guilds, 10ks vs 6 millions ... I think there is no discussion, and since we all love this game, let us move on to a new world. Nobody spends gold at the end - the mop up. Cannot quark see that? We spend gold when game is exciting - our world is boring. I save my money. If for no other reason then that, quark needs to fix this now.

Thank you

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Postby Willia » Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:29 am

Ok well first is that it is possible to go against huge odds and pull into first place if you have a highly active guild that works good together so there really is not a way to say "Team A has too many points so Team B loses"

Once Quark has the bug with removing inactive players fixed, it should solve most of the problems that current players are having.

One thing to keep in mind is it will take a bunch of coding to get rid of inactives without counting every player as inactive at the beginning since everybody starts with the same points and people have the chance to restart so that needs to be included as well. This is not a 5 minute fix but I am sure Quark is working on lots of stuff. The problem that nobody sees is that half of players want the newest bugs fixed and the other half want the older stuff fixed. Most people are concerned about multiple city management and problems with locating incoming attacks over how to finish a new world that didn't exist when these other issues started causing problems.

Patience Patience Patience

4 months ago you could never finish any world. Now you can but takes too much time for cleanup. Everything takes time including fixing the things that take too much time.

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Postby roadrash8414 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:57 am

My patience patience patience is wearing thin thin thin. We had the city count down to 11. We have 9 or 10 actives in the guild. Pretty clear math. Right? Wrong. Because all of these players that haven't touched the world in quite some time (but not 30 days) decide to respawn.

As to the "determined guild" argument, if there were other guilds your point would have some validity here. There are no other guilds. We've been the only guild for a while now. We are at 8+ million and killing 1100 to 1500 point players. We have people throwing 13k zerks at glitch cities to clear them. I understand the arguments about patience and calm but this is tedium. This is being forced to stare at a painting entitled "Paint Dries While Water Boils" for hours.

In the end, we may just be unlucky. Perhaps most worlds people won't continue to respawn. In all likelihood we will be done in the next week and then we wait for the declaration of victory.

I ask, no, I plead with Quarkgames, adjust the win conditions. While I agree it's better than nothing, it could be better yet.

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Postby fortheLOVE » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:40 pm

You guys are seriously complaining about a world that is still going even though you have yet to conquer everything.... For 8 or 9 weeks? Big deal. There are worlds that have hit boring spots that have been grinding on and on for over a year. I'm disappointed in the "modern" valor player. This game has ALWAYS been about the long term endgame.

As for the prize, at the size (1k), worlds have to open constantly and gold would become meaningless already. If you want free gold, compete and prove your glory in speed worlds, or buy it like the rest of us. I would honestly hand you 10 gold and a pat on the back for your ungrateful attitudes for the development team's hard work in trying to sift through the thousands of daily complaints about every little thing and trying to address it accordingly. Kill the world, win, move to the next and prove your dominance against any and all competition that comes your way. Not settle on your current world and romanticize your win. Just keep trucking. That's what this game has always been about, competing and killing, and evolving your team as you go through competitors you meet and allies you create.. Be grateful that pwnlaw and team are constantly striving to make this game better and more competitive.
w110 Anarchy (Anonymous)

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