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Postby Bane554 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:00 pm

I agree with that, they should not get in i dont think. they really dont deserve their high ranks because of their exploits and cheating. This really has nothing to do about the meanign of this thread, but I agree that its not cool for cheaters to get in. Although they wont really be able to cheat, and most will prob get their butts kicked in the tournament lol
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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:02 pm

I'm sure there are a few of them there. Agree with Bane though, most will get eliminated quickly.

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Postby Willia » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:28 pm

Problem is they shouldn't be there in the first place. They take spots from true players who earned the chance to compete.

Before anyone states what most are thinking, I don't think I would be eligible for TOC anyways because in my world I don't think there are many people abusing that glitch and I am nowhere close to being in the top 5 and still far from top 10. Basically I am writing this on principal, not because I want to be in TOC (not enough patience to play 4 hours straight anymore :) )

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Postby Superior1 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:57 pm

I would like to point out that saying people should get banned because they are negative scholarships is like saying everybody that's ever chaos'd anyone should also get banned and any of that that have played this game long enough to even know what I'm talking about would be banned if that were the case. There is no reason players should be held accountable for the mistakes or limitations of the game creators. We all play by there rules and if they put it in the game as such then it is not cheating its playing the game.

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Postby Willia » Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:08 pm

A glitch is a glitch is a bug is a bug. Abusing a glitch or bug is cheating. Period. Maybe Quark Games feels different about that but I think the majority of people believe as I do. In the long run it will mean little to me because after seeing how this and TOC is being handled I have next to no interest in this game anymore. If cheaters are being rewarded with this TOC and Quark/Playmesh believe that abusing a glitch is ok, this is not the game for me. I am very disappointed with all of this especially how so many are saying "Yes I am abusing a glitch but that's ok because there is no punishment and if the game allows it all is fine." It's called a glitch/bug for a reason. Don't think chaos was a glitch though some people did abuse it. That was part of the coding design hence the popup saying the city is in chaos. Having negative scholars happens but not in the hundreds. That is straight forward abuse of a known and reported bug/glitch. If it is ok should I do it in my world to take the #1 spot? Am hearing that it is ok and there is no reprecussions for it, plus might get in TOC for doing it.

Not going to happen but that is my example. Had a few people decide to quit the game and could have done that easily. Scholars in the hundreds in a week. Thousands in a couple weeks. Still cheating in my opinion.

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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:24 pm

Like Chaos, for many it was a glitch that evolved into a feature, over the course of their play. While I personally don't have an issue banning folks for it, it's sorta like applying the death penalty retroactively to crimes that don't currently warrant it.

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Postby Superior1 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:30 pm

I for one would be happy to see it go away, it has became normal game play now, same as chaos had became and when it gets to that point it does become an issue. There for it needs addressed and gotten rid of BUT it is NOT CHEATING!!!!!! The game has been this way since it first started over 2 years ago. If it truly was cheating then it would have been dealt with a long time ago and not just because a couple people start complaining about it. Saying someone is cheating is strong words and should not be thrown around lightly. In my opinion accusing someone of cheating when they are not doing anything that the game doesn't allow is truly sad and that person should have there mouth washed out with soap until they learn some respect.

Demanding for banishment of those that have went negative on Scholars is over the line as well. Implementing a fix to where scholars instantly die if it puts you in the negative is exceptable. But even on that note it should truly only apply to new worlds as it is part of game play currently, regardless of who likes it and who doesn't like it.

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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:01 pm

Ok, you don't like it being called cheating. We get that. However, how can you even consider it fair gameplay, when those that use it are not constrained by scholarships like the rest of us? Chaos was used by almost everyone. This exploit is used by less than 5% of the players out there. The advantage is huge, all because folks either have second accounts they are using, or they have some patsy feeding them. That's the main reason I have no issue applying it to all worlds.

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Postby Superior1 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:36 pm

Actually now days by what I've been seeing its used by a lot more then 5%. As now it's such common knowledge that I see people calling out for help with there Scholar farming in large chat rooms. (Saying if anyone has scholars they can educate come do it for me.) until I'd say W100 very little people knew about it so I would say at that point it was under 5% but the boom as of lately has changed a lot.

As far as fair game play, there are advantages and disadvantages of them doing that. Advantage- no restraint on Scholarships, Yes that's huge. Ability to grow at a rapid pace with help. Drawbacks- if you loose there scholar(s) it's dead no just reeducating to stay in the fight. Cannot kill off and move your scholars, and they are left open to being nothing but dead weight if someone has the smarts to kill there scholars. Kill someone's scholars then there negative and you can pretty much declare victory as they can't take any city from you. Then you take them out. Even if there ten times your size.

My point here is not to say though that we should keep it the way it is. Valor has changed massively here as of late. Removing the ability to farm scholars can be just another change Quark implements if they see fit to do so. My point is one cannot justifiably punish someone for doing what the game allows one to do.

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Postby Superior1 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:27 pm

on another note related but not so related to this subject. It is impossible to please everyone, and people that just whine about things they do lot like should shut there mouths until they can address the issue properly and if they do not get what they want, well to bad. You can't please everybody! There are some aspects of the game I do not like such as to my understanding worlds are now in a sense on a time frame, Where only one guild can win. And I have over a hundred people waiting for me to announce that we will be going to a new world and yet now I will be forced to choose between my own people on who go's with me. Yes this upsets me as I value all my guild mates. But it's the direction Valor is heading so I must roll with the punches if I continue to want to play. But do I wine about it and threaten Quark games, no I deal with it because there's way more about the game that I like then I dislike. I felt it important to bring this aspect of the discussion up as well.

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