Very disappointed!!!

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Postby Willia » Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:41 pm

Basically what is said is if there is a glitch the game should be shut down until it is fixed so the glitch will not be abused since the game allows it and it has been determined by players that abusing a glitch is fine because the game doesnt restrict it

Just figured I would put it that way because that is how everyone is talking. Not about shutting down the game but the fact that any glitch is ok because the game allows it.

Those are my final words. Good luck all and have fun

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Postby fortheLOVE » Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:45 am

I think the implementation should be retroactive. making all worlds even.

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Postby TheGodParticle » Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:17 am

Does anyone know how the fix will be implemented? If I take over a city, legally, that has nerds in it, will I be allowed to keep them? Or will they be destroyed?

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:14 am

Superior - you're right, you can't please everyone. However, applying the negative scholar fix would certainly please the majority. It would go a long way toward leveling the playing field between those of us that haven't exploited the bug, and those who have grown exponentially because of it.

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Postby Greyhigh » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:49 am

First I would like to say I do not like having negative scholars and I don't have two accounts. I like moving my scholars when I want and only want to manage one device. So please don't think I take advantage of this just because I don't find it cheating.
I think fixing the glitch would help the players who have taken advantage more than hurt them. You remove those scholars, then they will be caught up on scholarships again. I never thought it as cheating because they can't move or re-train any lost scholars. You said this player "...use tactics that are against the rules of valor." Where in the rules does it say you cannot own more scholars then scholarships? You need to stop making s*it up.
Now, before you get your panties in another wad Krumbz, I am not saying it shouldn't be fixed. If Quark feels it is abused like Chaos was, then they will remove it. Until then, there are still many other ways a player can have more of an advantage over other players. Experts will always destroy a new player to Valor, always. Players can create multiple accounts (and there is nothing Quark can do to stop that). Does this mean players are cheating because they are better then you? No. There is nobody stopping you from creating a second account too.
Last thing is about Quark saying to players to pass the word about the scholar "glitch" being fixed. WHHHOOOOOOO CARES?!?!?!?! I remember PwnLaw mentioned it being eventually fixed before W100 even opened. It isn't like it is a secret that they want to fix it. Instead of looking to blame everyone else, just admit that they are better players then you. Or, maybe find a way you can take advantage of them because of their restrictions on moving and rebuilding scholars. I'm seriously surprised you are not already crying and trying to blame your lack of skills on "lag". LMAO

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Postby The00Drew » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:57 am

Someone teach me how to exploit this scholar glitch quick!!!!!!!!
Don't be a $@#*%€$@!!!!!!!
The 👀Drew🌀™

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Postby Greyhigh » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:13 am

The00Drew wrote:Someone teach me how to exploit this scholar glitch quick!!!!!!!!
Don't be a $@#*%€$@!!!!!!!

If you conquer a city that has scholars out supporting, you get to keep those scholars regardless of how many scholarships you have bought. Your scholarships will be negative, so you cannot train more tho. So it can help or hurt you depending on how you play. Personally I feel it helps me a lot when you only have a few cities, but hurts when you have more then 10.

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Postby Krumbz613 » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:15 am

Ok appears that I am not so smart or you guys just don't read well... Let me explain this like we are all ten! Player a has two accounts (AA and BB). He builds both city's up to academy level and each with five scholar limit. By this point others have academy's. so using both accounts he take a city with account BB. Builds five scholars there. Sends out in support to other city. Then AA caps and recalls. NEVER BUYS ANOTHER SCHOJARSHIP FOR AA! This is exactly how "our cheater" does it. Now he has 210 city's and didn't pay for any. Tell me how a world can be won with 50 city's versus 210?
As far as being better, don't have to cheat to be the best. As far as not cheating, then why fix? Please get anyone from quark games ( even the guy who cleans the bathroom) to say this was intended game play. If not then it is cheating!
Guys I'm done with this thread. Also convinced that those ho share my feeling have posted an those who don't mind someone having a huge advantage have spoke up as well. Anyone who finds me in a world please feel free to see my resolve or skill level for yourself

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Postby Superior1 » Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:39 am

TheGodparticle - if they implement something that gets rid of the ability to farm Scholars then I could only imagine that it would haft to be across the board as in any scholar that puts one in the negative will disappear. My guess is it would take to much to do it any differently.

LordFirefall - if the majority of Valorians wants this aspect of the game changed then so be it, change it. I myself think it has been being used way over the top rather then just as a way to save time while playing.

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Postby elchemor » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:11 am

i previously complained to what was playmesh about the scholar thing, their reply was (i quote):

I'm sorry to say but, while the player in question is using somewhat cheap tactics, all of his actions are technically legal. We realize this may not be the answer you want to hear, and can only apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you.

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