Negative Scholars

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Negative Scholars

Postby Kingarthur3 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:21 am

I must have been under a rock or just oblivious to this but taking away negative scholars in past worlds (pre-W100) seems like a dis-service to the vets of the game. We played by, and within, the game parameters as allowed and now after 2 years the rules are changing. Seems sort of counter productive for the early worlds if thats the case. Many of those worlds are dead, or should be, but because the programmers won't declare them so!! we continue to fight on even if it's more or less hunting inactives.

I have seen several other posts claiming to the fact that it's unfair or cheating but exploiting a bug is not cheating, it is called being savvy (in my warped mind)! It's not for everyone and it is actually more challenging in some cases as you have to be forward looking cause once you do it you can be a big disadvantage when war breaks out. There are some things the whiners of the game haven't or couldn't appreciate it regardless cause of their narrow focus.

As far as it not requiring someone to kill something to achieve this is ludicrous! I have over a 75M KSA score so saying its simple to just acquire cities is absurd, it still requires patience and cunning at the same time being limited by location placement.

Not sure anything that will be said after this matters, as it seems like the decision has been made but felt I should put my thoughts out there about the past corrections. It seems like telling someone in the NFL like Eric Dickerson, Leading rushing leader for a season, well you were great years ago but since you were using cleats that were much bigger than the ones we use today , we should take at least 500 yds off your total so that today's players don't feel depressed about it.

P.S. for those discussing the fact that those who do/did use the glitch not being able to survive in the worlds today, think again as many are still thriving at the game cause they are students of it and adjust to the environment as any true warrior would.

Look forward to all the haters responding!!

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Postby Superior1 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:11 pm

Thank you for your Post KA, yes we need to speak up when the whiners start whining otherwise they will get to dictate the changes that are made. I totally agree with your post. Well done!

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Postby Corgi73 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:37 pm

I also agree with your post, old worlds have been won years ago but not acknowledge,

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Postby Kingjason666 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:00 pm

I have novels to write on this topic as KA is right this is wrong to change the rules now. We have been playing this way for 2 years and now it's going to change cause it's all of a sudden decided that what the game allowed us to do is wrong.

I have debated this point with Pwnlaw and Orlor in the guildmasters room and unfortunately they don't want to change their mind on this.
I think for all new worlds past w122 is should be stopped their is no need for it in a 1-5k world.
But in old worlds it is part of the game just like chaos is. And chaos was left behind in ib's worlds and I think so should negative scholars. Like KA I have a massive 60-70mill KSA and a 100mill ksd. I fought in the trenches and came out the other side a winner with my guild. We worked together to win. We never hacked the game or broke the law we just did what the game allowed us to do. And no where until lately has it been said that scholar building is cheating. KA nfl quote is spot on. Quark u gave us the ability to choose the cleets on our boots now with 1min to go in the game we as told we cheated. That's wrong.

KA is also right. A neg scholar player may have scholars but their is a lot of per negatives as well that make us super vulnerable. And if for some miricle justice prevails and we get to keep our scholars. I will teach u all have to destroy a negative scholar player easy.

If scholars are being taken away close these old worlds with chaos in them. No one spends gold in them much anymore and nothing like the gold spending rate needed in a new world. Declare all guilds ranked 1 the winner in worlds with chaos and lets move on without neg scholars in new worlds.

I call on everyone that wants to keep their scholars to post here and voice your opinion. The forums saved chaos and can save our scholars too. As I know a lot of players that will simply delete valor if their scholars go.

Sorry Pwnlaw and Orlor but as I said in guildmasters room I am a great warlord that looks after its guild and best thing for my guild is the rules as they are and I will do what is needed to try and save that.

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:08 pm

Agree with Corgi that some old worlds have been won and nothing has been done on it However I disagree with continuing to allow negative scholars. Speaking from the point of view of someone who hasn't done it intentionally, it gives you too much of an advantage. Scholarship's escalating costs bring balance to the world and ensure a player doesn't grow exponentially.

Yes, your KSA is high, so you did crush cities. However, by not having to purchase scholarships like the guy next to you, you were able to devout a lot more resources to bulding troops. The resources it takes to purchase one scholarship will get you 625 zerks. If you have 100 cities, the scholarships you can avoid allow you enough resources to train 62,500 zerks. That's not whining, its a huge advantage.

No need to apologize for sticking up for your guild members. Just realize there's another point of view out there and we will defend it as vigorously as those that want to keep negative scholars.

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Postby DarthBamf666 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:24 pm

I agree with all these guys. Really negative scholars isn't an exploit. It's part of the game. You take the troops outside an city you cap. Those saying it's an exploit are simply whining because they want the game to be changed to their whim. They have no clue that there's drawbacks to it nor that it often can happen when battling an enemy guild. I personally haven't had negative scholars but I understand it's not really an exploit. It's really part of the game. So to those complaining about it saying it's an exploit, I ask you: is changing a game to your whim worth screwing over old world players out the ass? I think not.

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Postby Mfs721 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:41 pm

I understand all sides of this situation. As I too cheated for a while but cheating was was harder work as I spent more time trying to find people to make me scholars . I fought my way back positive by having people who cheated themselves take my cities to help me get positive. Now u have people that destroyed worlds legends of this game that will no longer be allowed to conquer a city as it will take 2 years to buy enough scholarships to reach scholar limit 1700. If u plan to take away scholars that r minus then make the people that r minus plus again. I am not saying give them scholarships for exisisting scholars but the ones that they need to be even is all. They used a glitch in your system they didn't hack the system to gain advantage so please at least consider helping the players that r minus get positive thank u!!!!

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Postby Kingjason666 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:23 pm

Maybe I do have more resources to devote to troops but lets be honest what hope in hell do I have our scrolling through all my 1300 citys or ka with his 1700 city's in under 2weeks. I waste so much resources cause I simply can't be bothered to waste every min of my life cycling city's. So I actually spend no more resources on troops that you do while buying scholarships.

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:28 pm

Kingjason666 wrote:Maybe I do have more resources to devote to troops but lets be honest what hope in hell do I have our scrolling through all my 1300 citys or ka with his 1700 city's in under 2weeks. I waste so much resources cause I simply can't be bothered to waste every min of my life cycling city's. So I actually spend no more resources on troops that you do while buying scholarships.

Now. However, there are many players in later worlds that are using those resources for troops. With max scholarship purchases, those in your category will be able to catch up relatively quickly.

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:12 pm

Interesting that those who want this loophole closed are being called "whiners". Others have acted like those of us that haven't habitually abused negative scholars are less innovative than those who abuse it. What, exactly, is innovative about using a second account to create scholars, or to get a semi-active in your guild to supply you with scholars? If that is innovative, is it equally innovative to start a world with 5 accounts and take over the competition by yourself? 10? 100? Because that is possible, is it right? Should it continue, just because we've had the ability to do it?

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