Tutorial World

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Tutorial World

Postby Brendone » Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:57 pm

I think there should be a better way of showing new players how the game works. The tutorial is pretty cool and looks great, but it doesn't take players very far. I think a much more in-depth tutorial, especially with the high level of competition coming with the new worlds.

Proposal: Players first world, no matter what is open or available, only skippable by answering 3 basic questions that would show you have played before (something like, how many scholars does it take to conquer a city, etc), is "Tutorial World".

It would begin the same as current worlds do, only with you being the only real player in it, as well as 4 fake players and a few barbs around you. The tutorial begins with how to upgrade buildings, then train lancers, research new troops (in between building new buildings), train new types of troops, etc. The whole world would be GREATLY accelerated (which should be mentioned frequently, "Normally upgrading your forge to level 10 would take several hours, but here it is only seconds".

Players should be walked through conquering a barb (every step, training a big enough army, scouting, hitting it repeatedly, etc), supporting a guild mate under attack (one of the fake players) and losing some troops when hit by one of the other fake players. The tutorial should even really be in depth enough to tell you to take advantage of that situation and attacking that player when he is weak, maybe even with scholars.

All told, I envision this tutorial being played through over the course of perhaps 2-3 hours, but taking the player through all aspects of game-play from a 1085 point starting player to a 15k point city conquering a barb and a player, supporting a guild mate and fending off an attack so that players have at least a little bit of understanding of the balance of the units, and how things work when they get to now join the real world. I think this would HUGELY cut down on the amount of players that start and then quit immediately and would push speed world activity (for people who join and like the fast aspect more then the other game play).

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Postby Fire820 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:19 pm

I disagree with the fact that it should be really in-depth. I remember the tutorial I had when I first started in W47. Was like 8 steps. It really helped me get the basics down. Everything else I learned from my guildmates, trial and error, and sheer experience. I think that the new ones should have a similar experience even if Valor is more competitive. Maybe the tutorial should include some basic defending techniques too and words of encouragement. And how did we learn to conquer barbs? Trial and error. They should have to do that too. Now, I realize that this can all be overwhelming for newbies. We all were there ourselves. But that's what a guild does. And there are players that dedicate their time to helping new players. But as time progresses, they will acclimate to Valor like we all have. Plus, from the actual feasibility of it, a tutorial world at that speed could be quite tough to pull off.


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Postby CreatorPrime » Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:51 pm

If I had to play through a 2-3 hour tutorial before I could start the actual game, I would probably immediately delete the app.

However, I do agree that we could make the game a bit more beginner friendly. The current in-game tutorial is a great start, but needs to be expanded to include a lot of the things you mentioned. You have a lot of great "tutorial" ideas - I just think they should be integrated and expanded into the main quest line rather than having a separate tutorial world.

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Postby Fire820 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:02 pm

CreatorPrime wrote:I just think they should be integrated and expanded into the main quest line rather than having a separate tutorial world.

I like that. Like part of Aurora's Quests?

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Postby ThatValorPlayer » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:01 am

I'd like to see this eventuate, but it could actually double as a personal challenge world also. Finish set objective in xx time for xx color title.
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Beautiful Idea

Postby ForTeaSicks » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:12 am

You are all missing the point completely.

I am in 100% agreement with the idea of a tutorial world, or a more in depth tutorial.

The early worlds were not so action packed as the new worlds and not so full on right away. These newer worlds, if you are not packing it in the first 24 hours, your out for the count. The world is over for you in a short period of time. Whether you agree with this or not, this is a fact.

The older worlds allowed a few weeks to get use to the game, before anyone even became a target and allowed players to learn and develop as a player, solo. This will give the player the urge to join another world and start over.

New players in TbS worlds play for less than 48 hours casually and will have all troops killed and already on the farm list. There needs to be a matrix download of information to new players so they are able to compete. In game in the newer worlds is not the place for them. New players get destroyed quick.


The OP said nothing about the fact that everyone has to go through it. If you feel that you would enjoy a game like this and you are a new player into the game, you can learn more in these worlds. It is an avenue of education either prior to playing or after you get destroyed in your first world because you didn't go through the tutorial.


This will allow for different grades of the newbie medal that already exists... :D

The only thing I would add is to chop shop this tutorial as many great games do. Allowing the flexibility of choosing which section the player wishes to learn. As they may know some of the information provided. Nothing more tedious than scrolling/clicking/waiting through **** you already know.

Aside from that awesome idea Brendone!!! +1

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Postby Brendone » Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:16 am

CreatorPrime wrote:If I had to play through a 2-3 hour tutorial before I could start the actual game, I would probably immediately delete the app.

However, I do agree that we could make the game a bit more beginner friendly. The current in-game tutorial is a great start, but needs to be expanded to include a lot of the things you mentioned. You have a lot of great "tutorial" ideas - I just think they should be integrated and expanded into the main quest line rather than having a separate tutorial world.

Part of my point is that the vast majority of players in EVERY SINGLE WORLD, do immediately delete the app. My opinion is that this really creates a strange aspect of total desolation in every world. We just passed the 14 day trade deadline on world 172, a 5k world. Barely half the guilds on the first page of the ranks are full (50 people) and the last guild on that page has only 1 person. I'd say less then 1000 and probably closer to 500 people are actually playing on this world ALREADY and player cities have only been getting capped for about 3 days.

I would rather players immediately delete the app after playing a single player tutorial then joining a world and then not even being a part of it. My guild has 3 branches in this world and we are taking pleasure in training lots new players, but most people who don't have the patience to get this far should never have even joined the world. Even if they do join the world and then don't like it and quit a couple days in, at least they have probably done something on their account and its not just another 1085 point city sitting there doing nothing.

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