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Postby n0seble3d » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:54 am

I want to purchase gold but some reason i wont do anything when im clicking on the basic pack..i have deleted and reinstalled my valor app already to get the latest and freshest valor app but still didnt change a thing..can someone help me with this issue pls..i just need to boost my resources..


Postby Orlor » Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:34 am

If you are having an issue purchasing gold please be sure to contact our support team.

Details to do so can be found in my signature.

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Postby CollinzTheGreat » Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:07 am

yes you can win gold in speed world.. Also like the guys said you can become awsome without any gold at all if you put in the effort. the most gold i buy in any one wold is 100 just to get a lumber and clay booster that gives you enough advantage in the new worlds and is not to expensive ether

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