Lost all Barb cities

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Lost all Barb cities

Postby Dexter34 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:58 am

In world 172, a teammate of mine lost control of all his barbs. His main is the only city he has left, (125,70). This is a huge glitch, please fix ASAP.

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Postby Wargod857 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:41 am

I am that guild mate. I lost influence on 12 barb cities after I sent my first scholar to a city to help lower loyalty for a guild mate. Please fix this a.s.a.p. please

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Postby Brendone » Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:45 am

To further expand on the details of this bug - he was helping me lower loyalty (scholar hit) on a city and due to crossfire from another guild, he captured the city instead. As soon as the city was taken from him, all of his barbs reverted to neutral, as if he had lost his last lord city! This is a huge bug if you lose all barbs from losing any barb city. He submitted a support ticket but its unlikely they look at it today, then it's the weekend, by then someone else have capture them, there was something like 12. Please look into this ASAP.

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Postby Wargod857 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:01 am

I was helping a friend capture a city last night with one scholar hitting a city before he took it. Some how I ended up with city, only to have it taken buy another. After the other person captured
I lost my barb cities, I believe I had 12 in all they just went barb again with my troops still in place. This is support to happen, or is it a error please help me out,


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Postby Brendone » Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:17 am

I'm pretty sure I know the cause of this happening, if that helps you all figure out how to reverse it. There seems to have been a delay in the game recognizing who owned the city (the guild mate who conquered and subsequently lost his barbs, had not checked his reports). His scholar that conquered hit at 8:46, mine hit at 9:00, and another person's hit very shortly after that. My report, however, showed the defender as being the previous owner of the city that guild mate had conquered from. Somehow, because it was the last city of this other player, it triggered whatever mechanism abandons barbarian cities a second time, but because the city was actually owned by the guild mate, it affected his cities.

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Postby Wargod857 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:12 am

this really bites.


Postby Orlor » Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:37 am

Our current support waiting time is under 24 hours, so he will receive a response today.

He is in contact with a support team member now.

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Postby Brendone » Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:01 pm

You should really look into this, as it seems like a pretty big deal. If there is crossfire over someone's last lord city and two people double cap it, the first to cap would likely also lose all his barb cities as well (as it seems the game doesn't refresh ownership of the city until the person attacking looks at the report). I've noticed this with barbs too, someone will cap a barb but it will still be labelled as barbarian owned until they look at the report, causing many crossfire issues but obviously not as serious as this.

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Postby jcndk » Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:04 pm

This happened to me today. Lost five barb cities while capping a lord city. Another player hit my new lord city within a minute from me capping it. This is a bad bug. Now I will have to wait until Monday to have support look at this. I will lose points because I cannot grow as fast as with 6 additional cities. I have lost a scholar and what it takes to make one. This happened in world 174 on iOS. I have spend money on this game as well which now seems pointless as I cannot progress as fast as my opponents.
This seems to be at least a 2 year old known bug.

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