TOC gone to pot

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Postby Crusader6 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:39 am

I was invited to ToC Q1, I actually had no time until Q5, I advanced but admittedly if I had known the structure of the Qualifiers I would have made time for Q1...

Even the SW's are becoming Team events, you used to be able to play as an individual, but now you have folks gifting cities and/or teaming up, so SW events are not as equal as before. That's fair I guess, but in the same light, the Qualifiers are seeming to be Team events as well. Its not specifically about the best player, but at least from what I say in Q5, it was more about teamwork. All that said, that's fine, Valor is a team game, but its not going to be an individual championship in anymore way than the normal wold play is individual.


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Postby AnarcNeedsHelp » Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:34 pm

I have a few thoughts on the issue as well.

While I believe a so called tournament of champions should be single elimination and the final victor should be crowned sometimes that's not a viable means to find the tue champion. Valor is a team game and no matter the set up of the tournament people will join with friends and target nearby individuals that aren't in their team. People that excel at speed worlds are apt enough to target other great players in speed worlds early on. Take out your toughest competition early on so you have an easier game down the strech. Landing randomly on the map makes it so even the best player can be taken out by. Team of sub-average players simply because he is outnumbered and cut off from his allies. So the ability to get a second or third invite is really the only way to find a true champion.

A possible idea to solve that kind of issue is make so you can support other players in ToC. Maybe lay out a 24 hour period before the game starts where players (without knowing their starting spot) can make and recruit a guild. That way better players can support their allies this making the better players able to last longer of they come under heavy attack from a nearby group of friends.

In think the way invites are given out is a poor choice to find the best individuals for the tournament. As someone stated before me (superior maybe? I forget.) standard world play is completely different than speed world game play. I myself have never been ranked first in a standard world for more than a few days after it opens because I work 80 hours a week and I have 2 kids indeed the age of 3. However when running speed worlds I regularly place in the top 1-2 because I only play when I can set aside 2 hours for it. Does the fact I can't stay ranked in the top 10 on a standard world mean I don't have what it takes to win ToC? Not at all. However I know sometimes speed worlds can lack competition so having 20 gold medals doesn't mean you're a pro, luck and skill both play a part in wining a speed world. So basing your invited solely off speed world victories is also an imperfect idea.

Possibly offer each active valor player 5-10 free tickets per month so even players who have never bought gold can at least play 1-2 speed worlds a month at a minimum. Then when ToC invites are ready to go out invite players in the top 20 of a standard world that have the most gold or silver speed world medals won over the previous month. Possibly do a win/loss tally of their speed world rankings so you don't end up with only people who have played 50 speed worlds leaving out the people who have won all their speed worlds but only played 2-3.

Just my two cents.

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Postby lIIITOR2010IIll » Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:16 pm

It's gonna be individual in the final for sure cos everyone would love to win the tournament.

Posts: 45
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Location: NoVa

Postby Crusader6 » Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:26 am

Argh too bad both SF's are this weekend, I likely cannot play

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